15 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ
หรือค้นหา: -纰-, *纰*

Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, pī, ㄆㄧ] carelessness; error, mistake; spoiled silk
Radical: , Decomposition:   纟 [, ]  比 [, ㄅㄧˇ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] silk
Variants: , Rank: 5277
[, pī, ㄆㄧ] carelessness; error, mistake; spoiled silk
Radical: , Decomposition:   糹 [, ]  比 [, ㄅㄧˇ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] silk

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
[pī, ㄆㄧ, / ] error; carelessness; spoiled silk #131,143 [Add to Longdo]

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Cary, you take Alicia and review anything that could undercut the class action. I don't want to win the battle and lose the war. [CN] Cary 你带Alicia去检查一下 任何可能妨碍集体诉讼的 Fixed (2009)
I argued for Legal Aid to pursue innocence, and I think they fumbled. [CN] 我反驳了法律援助部的无罪上诉 我觉得他们有 Nine Hours (2010)
The case fell apart, but I tell you for a fact, your husband was guilty. [CN] 案子有所漏 但告诉你实话 你丈夫是有罪的 To Serve or Protect (2010)
The traffickers obviously knew where you'd be... so there's a leak. [CN] 人贩子们显然知道你要去哪儿 漏就出在这儿 The Whistleblower (2010)
Tessa, why do I pay for this crap? [CN] Tessa , 怎么还会出这种漏? Chelsea Girl (2010)
GOOD JOB. RUN ACROSS ANY SURPRISES? [CN] 是的 干得好 有任何漏吗 The Guardian (2010)
- Eric! - No, we ran every test. [CN] 埃里克 没有漏 我们都查了 Cosmopolis (2012)
Or ask if there is a section missing. [CN] 或者问他是否有什么 Nine Hours (2010)
I went through that list again and again, and I tried to fault it and I couldn't. [CN] 我通宵都在验证它们 我把数字核对了一遍又一遍 我想找出漏,但是找不到 Knowing (2009)
We'll each be responsible for certain portions of the story, and then we can, uh, we can hand off so we don't leave anything out, and it'll seem the most natural. [CN] 一个人负责故事的一部分 这样你我分头叙述的时候 就不会出什么 Bullet Points (2011)
There are cameras, regular patrols, and motion sensors. It's just not possible. [CN] 到处有摄像头 按时巡逻 还有运动传感器 不可能有 Pink Chanel Suit (2010)
Is it possible that there's a hole in the system? [CN] 就没可能你们出什么漏了? Pink Chanel Suit (2010)

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