17 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 粉末
หรือค้นหา: -粉末-, *粉末*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
粉末[fěn mò, ㄈㄣˇ ㄇㄛˋ,  ] fine powder; dust #14,645 [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
粉末[ふんまつ, funmatsu] (n, adj-no) fine powder; (P) #18,095 [Add to Longdo]
粉末[ふんまつじょう, funmatsujou] (n, adj-no) powdered; in powder form [Add to Longdo]
粉末冶金[ふんまつやきん, funmatsuyakin] (n) powder metallurgy [Add to Longdo]

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Powder, madame. I find it becoming. [CN] 粉末 夫人我认为它比较合适 Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)
What would I get if I added root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? [JP] アスフォデルの球根の粉末に ニガヨモギを加えると何になる? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
The wizards prepare powders of poisonous plants capable of changing people suddenly. [CN] 男巫准备好有毒植物的粉末 能突然将人们改变 Eden and After (1970)
72 tons of reconstituted patty. [JP] 粉末状ソーセージ 72トン Balance of Power (1988)
Five quarts of blood turned to powder! [CN] 5夸脱血液变成粉末 The Andromeda Strain (1971)
I have here some of the "powder of fear" [CN] 那种"恐怖粉末"我这还有些 Eden and After (1970)
It's a pile of gold, but in the form of powder. [CN] 一堆黄金,却是粉末 Django (1966)
Careful. It's rare. Pricey. [JP] 慎重に扱え 値が張る 粉末状だ The Iceman (2012)
It's a powdered toxin. It's absorbed through the skin. [JP] 粉末状の毒素だ 皮膚から吸収される Ability (2009)
Yes, sir. The contents was a bottle half full of white powder. [CN] 是的,内容物是个一个瓶子 装有半瓶白色粉末 Leave Her to Heaven (1945)
Delia, with her potions and powders. [JP] ディリア 彼女の薬と粉末もね Bitchcraft (2013)
Yes, and run triturated laundry detergent through the printer drum instead of toner. [JP] ああ 粉末にした洗濯洗剤を トナーの代わりに プリンタ入れて The Secrets in the Proposal (2013)

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
粉末[ふんまつ, funmatsu] -Pulver, -Mehl, -Staub [Add to Longdo]

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