13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 空难
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空难[kōng nàn, ㄎㄨㄥ ㄋㄢˋ,   /  ] aviation accidents and incidents #23,055 [Add to Longdo]

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Jill. Oh. The plane crash. [CN] 那场空难 Kill Jill (2010)
{ \cHFFFFFF }the flags fly at half-mast. { \cHFFFFFF }'and seven of them died in the crash. { \cHFFFFFF }'some so seriously that { \cHFFFFFF }their lives hang in the balance.' [CN] '在最悲伤的老特拉福德外, 降下半旗为球队空难中的遇难者默哀。 '曼联,二战后英国最好的球队, '七名球员在飞机事故中不幸遇难。 United (2011)
Would it make you feel better to know that the Russian scientist died in a plane crash six months ago? [CN] 如果我告诉你,那个俄罗斯科学家... 半年前已经死于空难... The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Air America crash, 2 helicopters, Some paramilitary operation. [CN] 美航空难 两架直升机 准军事作战行动 Kill Jill (2010)
Its contents are so valuable that it was specifically designed to withstand the impact of a bomb or an air crash. [CN] 盛放的物品非常宝贵 所以特别设计得能够承受 轰炸和空难的冲击 Survival (2012)
This was from Wayfarer 515. [CN] 这个是那场空难弄的 Caballo sin Nombre (2010)
An ambitious one if he got up to where the crash happened. [CN] 他能走到空难发生点 说明他很有自信 Kill Jill (2010)
He was hiking the day of the crash, which was a Wednesday. [CN] 空难那天是周三 他正在徒步旅行 Kill Jill (2010)
You know of flight 515, the plane crash? [CN] 你听说过那场空难吧? Caballo sin Nombre (2010)
{ \cHFFFFFF }kick off. { \cHFFFFFF }the only member of the original team { \cHFFFFFF }is goalie Harry Gregg.' [CN] '这将是巴斯比的球队最令人感动的一场比赛. '谢周三身穿条纹客场球衣, 开球了. '慕尼黑空难后两个星期不到, United (2011)
Yes, sir. I'm quite aware of Wayfarer 515. [CN] 没错 先生 我知道那场空难 Caballo sin Nombre (2010)
- I thought it was a little bumpy when we landed, but, you know, you'll probably read about it in the paper if the airline ever recovers the black box. [CN] 如果发生空难找到黑盒子 你们看报纸就知道了 To Rome with Love (2012)

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