16 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 空輸
หรือค้นหา: -空輸-, *空輸*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
空輸[くうゆ, kuuyu] (n, vs, adj-no) air transport; (P) #15,888 [Add to Longdo]
空輸貨物[くうゆかもつ, kuuyukamotsu] (n) air freight; airborne cargo [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
It's talking about how, thanks to air transport, we've lost the sense of 'season' for foodstuffs.空輸のおかげで食べ物に季節感を感じなくなったというお話です。

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Yes, yes! It was flown in. [JP] そうそうそう 空輸してねえ Senden no rûru (2015)
She flew someone over there to the hospital. [JP] 誰かを病院へ空輸してたわ Human for a Day (2015)
We could evacuate you all, airlift you out to the nearest hospital, and you know what would happen then? [JP] あなた方全員を 退避させることができます 最寄りの病院へあなたを 空輸すれば Pilot (2014)
Even if we got it on a jet today, it would never clear customs in time for the gala. [JP] 今日 空輸しても 税関手続きで―― When in Rome (2010)
Lieutenant Commander, flight crew. [JP] - 中佐です 空輸便に Dog Tags (2008)
Let's lock it down. Crit cases are gonna be flying. [JP] 移動の準備を 重傷者は空輸 The Good Man (2015)
...to royalist villages,  [JP] ...王党派の村々に空輸していて、 Rescue Dawn (2006)
Noland, Ronald. "Air Cav.". [JP] ノーランド ロナルド 空輸機甲部隊だ Predators (2010)
We need an airlift. I can't get a signal to base. Keep trying. [JP] 空輸作戦が 必要だ 連絡し続けろ Spectral (2016)
Yes, it was flown in from France. [JP] (酒屋)ええ だから わざわざ フランスから空輸して Senden no rûru (2015)
No pressure, boss, but I just got word the Pax River Five are shipping out to Panama in 36 hours. [JP] - おまけに─ 36時間以内に 5人はパナマへの空輸便に Dog Tags (2008)
You know, a colleague of mine did a case study while I was in vet school about a group of thoroughbreds that were flown to Dubai to race, and there was a storm that forced their transport plane to layover in Jordan. [JP] 獣医学校にいた頃 ドバイに 航空輸送された馬を 仲間が 事例研究しました Stories We Tell Our Young (2013)

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
空輸[くうゆ, kuuyu] Lufttransport [Add to Longdo]

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