21 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 税関
หรือค้นหา: -税関-, *税関*

Longdo Unapproved JP - EN
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
税関[ぜいかん] customs house

Longdo Unapproved JP-TH
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
税関[ぜいかん, zeikan] ศุลกากร

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
税関[ぜいかん, zeikan] (n) customs house; (P) #15,743 [Add to Longdo]
税関検査[ぜいかんけんさ, zeikankensa] (n) customs inspection [Add to Longdo]
税関手続;税関手続き[ぜいかんてつづき, zeikantetsuduki] (n) customs procedures (at the airport, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
税関申告書[ぜいかんしんこくしょ, zeikanshinkokusho] (n) customs declaration [Add to Longdo]
税関[ぜいかんちょう, zeikanchou] (n) chief customs inspector [Add to Longdo]
税関[ぜいかんり, zeikanri] (n) customs officer [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Where's the customs inspector? [JP] 税関検査官は どこだ? Pilot (2009)
We discovered a few illegally Imported items. it's minus infraction... [JP] 税関で違法輸入品が 見つかりました ささやかな違反ですが Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)
The usual chest-pounding... He's in their custody, not ours. [JP] 通常の仕事です 彼は 税関らの管理下です うちのものじゃない Pilot (2009)
Customs flagged him coming in from spain in response to our "Snow White" bolo. [JP] 我々の「白雪姫警報」に応えて スペインから入ってきた彼を税関が足止めしました Pilot (2009)
At customs, ask for Nat Glick. [JP] 税関で ナット・グリックに会え Sorcerer (1977)
Customs playing nice? [JP] 税関のお手柄か? Pilot (2009)
Crates from overseas have been moving through his factory, bypassing French customs. [JP] 海外から貨物はフランス税関をすり抜けて 奴の工場に入っています The Quiet American (2002)
Attempted to buy off several customs officials in France last year. Got away. [JP] 昨年フランスで 税関職員の買収に失敗し逃走 Tribes (2008)
The bottom screws open. That's great. Oh, my God. [JP] そこに仕掛けが・・・ 冷凍温度だ 税関の目も心配ない 冷凍状態が続くのは36時間 時間をムダにするなよ Jurassic Park (1993)
Some European countries don't computerise customs records. [JP] 一部の欧州諸国は、 税関レコードを電算化しません。 Mission: Impossible (1996)
If you're referring to customs, yes. [JP] 税関には引っかかりませんよ Cat City (1986)
Customs has him back and forth from Budapest eight times in the past 12 months. [JP] 税関の記録によると 過去12ヶ月ブダペストから8回 In Which We Meet Mr. Jones (2008)

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
税関[ぜいかん, zeikan] Zollamt [Add to Longdo]

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