14 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 監視塔
หรือค้นหา: -監視塔-, *監視塔*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
監視塔[かんしとう, kanshitou] (n) watchtower [Add to Longdo]

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Will the watchtower be covered? [JP] 監視塔は固めたか? Get the Gringo (2012)
- Are you one of them folks who called me from the fire tower? - Will you shut up and listen. [JP] 監視塔から連絡してきた者か 探していたんだぞ Wrong Turn (2003)
Up in the guard tower. [JP] 監視塔 Killer Within (2012)
Guard tower? [JP] 監視塔 Killer Within (2012)
We don't know our position. We're in a watchtower. We must be north of Bear Mountain Road. [JP] どこか分かりませんが 監視塔の上です Wrong Turn (2003)
Daryl, go back to the other tower. [JP] ダリルは監視塔 Seed (2012)
I'm gonna head up the road to the next watchtower. [JP] 隣の監視塔へ行ってくる The Quiet American (2002)
She's out keeping watch in the guard tower with Axel. [JP] 彼女はアクセルと 監視塔 Made to Suffer (2012)
Oh my God. It's a watchtower. [JP] なんて事だ 監視塔 Wrong Turn (2003)
Hershel, you and Carl take this tower. [JP] ハーシェルとカールは この監視塔 Seed (2012)
And she couldn't see her. Probably thought I was making it up. [JP] ライフガードは あわてて監視塔へ上ったが Hostel (2005)
There are 30 or 40 of these towers between here and Saigon. [JP] こことサイゴンの間に30〜40の監視塔がある The Quiet American (2002)

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
監視塔[かんしとう, kanshitou] Wachturm [Add to Longdo]

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