13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 留宿
หรือค้นหา: -留宿-, *留宿*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
留宿[liú sù, ㄌㄧㄡˊ ㄙㄨˋ,  宿] to put up a guest; to stay overnight #41,860 [Add to Longdo]

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Let's rent a carriage at the next inn. [CN] 在下找個留宿的地方 雇個轎子吧 Tenchi: The Samurai Astronomer (2012)
Sorry, girls, I'm afraid the Crusader sleepover is cancelled. [CN] 抱歉,姑娘们, 我害怕童子军留宿得取消了 Stare Master (2011)
I heard she went to six different friends' houses for a place to stay, and they all had to pretend they weren't home. [CN] 我听说她去了6个朋友家想留宿 他们都假装自己不在家 Pilot (2011)
He's not staying. [CN] 他不留宿 That's My Boy (2012)
"In spring, the gods inhabit Tipaza and talk in the sun and smell of wormwood. [CN] "春天里,天神们留宿在蒂巴扎, "在阳光下聊天并嗅闻苦艾草。 What the Day Owes the Night (2012)
Thanks for letting me stay. [CN] 多谢让我留宿 Shame (2011)
It's late so stay at an inn and get a boat in the morning. [CN] 已很晚了,你就在附近留宿 Oshin (2013)
I'm staying the night. [CN] 我今晚在这儿留宿 Hyde Park on Hudson (2012)
On my first sleepover ever, we watched "Halloween" [CN] 我的第一次留宿过, 我们看了"万圣节" Do You Like My Basement (2012)
Was it that girl who came to stay? Yeah. [CN] 那个留宿的女孩? One Day (2011)
When you speak to her father, do ask him to stay here. [CN] 见到她父亲的话 一定要请他留宿 Episode #2.8 (2011)
We moved into an abandoned house and watched the fire, trying to see in it signs of destiny. [CN] 我们留宿在一幢废弃的房子里 注视着火焰 试图读出命运的征兆 Tabu (2012)

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