13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 甲等
หรือค้นหา: -甲等-, *甲等*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
甲等[jiǎ děng, ㄐㄧㄚˇ ㄉㄥˇ,  ] grade A; first-class #38,382 [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Three A's will be given, five B's and ten C's. [CN] 三名甲等,五名乙等,十名丙等 Flatliners (1990)
"Can I have an A? [CN] "可以给我甲等吗? Election (1999)
Even your strongest subject, history, is down from A to C-. [CN] 连历史也从甲等降至丙等 Apt Pupil (1998)
If you can give me all A's,  [CN] 如你在所有科目取得甲等 Apt Pupil (1998)
Got an "A," Mum. [CN] 拿了甲等 Heavenly Creatures (1994)
- How did you do? - Straight A's. - Both of you? [CN] 全部甲等 你们两个都是吗? Dazed and Confused (1993)
If you get As in your performance this year,  [CN] 你如果这一年的考绩都是甲等的话 Sweet Alibis (2014)
It's nice to see a few more A's. Including Mr. Bowden's, of course. [CN] 幸好还有人拿到甲等 Apt Pupil (1998)
hair, skin, under the fingernails. [CN] -- 毛发 皮肤 指甲等 His Red Right Hand (2009)
You grilled me on the bureau's civil rights record in the Hoover years. I gave you an A. [CN] 你追问我,本局在胡佛年代的公民权益记录,我给了你甲等 The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Nice. You've mostly scored A's [CN] 不错,每门都是甲等 Yuen fan (1984)
Govind, his valet, had instructions to carry out all unproductive tasks such as shaving, nail-cutting etc [CN] 戈萬德,他的貼身男僕,按照指示 執行所有的非生產性任務 比如刮鬍子,剪指甲等 3 Idiots (2009)

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