13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 犹太教
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犹太教[Yóu tài jiào, ㄧㄡˊ ㄊㄞˋ ㄐㄧㄠˋ,    /   ] Judaism #57,634 [Add to Longdo]
犹太教[Yóu tài jiào táng, ㄧㄡˊ ㄊㄞˋ ㄐㄧㄠˋ ㄊㄤˊ,     /    ] synagogue [Add to Longdo]

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He's a Protestant, and he's a Jew. [CN] 他是新教徒 他是犹太教 Paisan (1946)
When Poland was ruled by the czars, that synagogue already existed. [CN] 那儿就有犹太教堂了 Shoah (1985)
One of the chaplains is a Jew! [CN] 有个牧师是犹太教 Paisan (1946)
Father Salvatore, one of the chaplains is a Jew! [CN] 萨尔瓦多神父 他们中有一个是犹太教 Paisan (1946)
One of the chaplains is a Jew, and the other's a Protestant. [CN] 有个牧师是犹太教的 还有一个是新教徒 Paisan (1946)
The Jews were collected in the Kolo synagogue. [CN] 在科洛的犹太教堂 犹太人被集中起来 Shoah (1985)
[ Speaking Polish ] They even had a synagogue here. [CN] 这里甚至有一个犹太教 Shoah (1985)
Father Claudio, one of the chaplains is a Jew! [CN] 克劳迪奥神父,有个牧师是犹太教 Paisan (1946)
[ Lanzmann, In French ] Was there a synagogue in Wlodawa? [CN] 乌罗达瓦也有犹太教堂吗? Shoah (1985)
But Father, the Protestant and the Jew are just as convinced that they are on the true path. [CN] 神父,新教徒和犹太教徒 都认为他们走在正确的道路上 Paisan (1946)
- One of the priests is a Jew. [CN] -有个牧师是犹太教 Paisan (1946)

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