7 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 炼钢厂
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炼钢厂[liàn gāng chǎng, ㄌㄧㄢˋ ㄍㄤ ㄔㄤˇ,    /   ] steel mill #62,730 [Add to Longdo]

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And next to the steel mill, there is a school. [CN] 炼钢厂旁有一所学校 We Are Marshall (2006)
Next to this river, there is a steel mill. [CN] 河旁有一座炼钢厂 We Are Marshall (2006)
- Hey, did you guys ever at the steel mill demolition site, then it is definitely him. [CN] 炼钢厂拆迁现场的安保 那就肯定是他 他就是这样找到藏尸点的 Pilot (2014)
Steelmill? [CN] -炼钢厂吗? Mesrine Part 2: Public Enemy #1 (2008)
Wait. Did Kapp Security work the steel mill demolition site? [CN] 等等 Kapp安保公司还负责炼钢厂拆迁现场? Pilot (2014)
You don't expect me to control banks and steelworks, do you? [CN] 你不会指望我去操控 银行和炼钢厂吧? The V.I.P.s (1963)

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