4 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 火皿
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EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
火皿[ひざら, hizara] (n) fire grate; chafing dish; pipe bowl [Add to Longdo]
膝皿貝;火皿貝;石鼈;爺が背[ひざらがい(膝皿貝;火皿貝;石鼈);じいがせ(石鼈;爺が背);ヒザラガイ, hizaragai ( hiza sara kai ; hi sara kai ; ishi betsu ); jiigase ( ishi betsu ; jii ] (n) (1) (uk) chiton (any marine mollusk of the class Polyplacophora); sea cradle; (2) Japanese chiton (Acanthopleura japonica) [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
火皿[ひざら, hizara] (n) fire grate; chafing dish; pipe bowl [Add to Longdo]
膝皿貝;火皿貝;石鼈;爺が背[ひざらがい(膝皿貝;火皿貝;石鼈);じいがせ(石鼈;爺が背);ヒザラガイ, hizaragai ( hiza sara kai ; hi sara kai ; ishi betsu ); jiigase ( ishi betsu ; jii ] (n) (1) (uk) chiton (any marine mollusk of the class Polyplacophora); sea cradle; (2) Japanese chiton (Acanthopleura japonica) [Add to Longdo]

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