23 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 海綿
หรือค้นหา: -海綿-, *海綿*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
海绵[hǎi mián, ㄏㄞˇ ㄇㄧㄢˊ,   /  綿] sponge #12,838 [Add to Longdo]
海绵状[hǎi mián zhuàng, ㄏㄞˇ ㄇㄧㄢˊ ㄓㄨㄤˋ,    /  綿 ] spongy [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
海綿[かいめん;うみわた, kaimen ; umiwata] (n, adj-no) sponge [Add to Longdo]
海綿[かいめんしつ, kaimenshitsu] (n) spongin [Add to Longdo]
海綿[かいめんじょう, kaimenjou] (n, adj-no) spongiform; spongelike; spongy [Add to Longdo]
海綿状組織[かいめんじょうそしき, kaimenjousoshiki] (n) spongy tissue [Add to Longdo]
海綿[かいめんたい, kaimentai] (n) body of (genital) erectile tissue (inc. corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum) [Add to Longdo]
海綿[かいめんてつ, kaimentetsu] (n) sponge iron [Add to Longdo]
海綿動物[かいめんどうぶつ, kaimendoubutsu] (n, adj-no) (sea) sponges [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
Sponge absorbs water so it is convenient for shading water-colours and such.海綿は水を吸収しますので水彩絵具をぼかしたりする時に便利です。 [ ad ]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It'll get soaked and be worse than nothing - like a wet sponge. [CN] 很會就會濕透的,比沒有更糟糕的-- 就像塊濕海綿一樣 Fateless (2005)
This will bring you... much closer than the occasional ski trip... or sponge bath. [CN] 感情會比滑雪之旅... 或洗海綿澡時更融洽 Don't Say a Word (2001)
Of course. We need all the prayers we can get. Mrs. Solis, it's time for her sponge bath. [CN] 當然了 所有的祈禱者都能來 Solis夫人, 現在要用海綿給她擦身了 再說一次? 有些時候家裡人會希望自己 幫親人做這些事情 我想我不必了 Martha. 你的錢包呢? Guilty (2004)
-So the sponge is the electrolyte? [CN] 那 呃 - - 海綿就是電解質? 4 Days Out (2009)
I need more laps. Someone get me a sponge stick, please. [CN] 誰拿個海綿棒給我 Blink (2010)
Under the sponge of this compact, there's a plug-in device that'll fit into the prince's Blackberry. [CN] 粉盒海綿下麵 有個植入裝置 正好能裝在王子的黑莓手機裡 Grace (2011)
Was the starfish wearing boxer shorts? [CN] 那海星是穿了拳擊短褲嗎? ("海綿寶寶"裡的派大星) The Justice League Recombination (2010)
Surprisingly profound for a narrative about a sponge. [JP] ずいぶん深遠な海綿の話しだ Pilot (2008)
But, yes, that's what I'm soaking the sponges in. [CN] 海綿確實就泡在這個裡面 4 Days Out (2009)
Give me a Coca-Cola and a sponge. [CN] 給我一罐可口可樂和一塊海綿 Music Box (1989)
-That's no way to address a teacher. -Fine, spongeface. [CN] 不能跟老師這麼講話 好的,海綿寶寶 Turn Me On, Dammit! (2011)
Pass me gelfoam and thrombin. [CN] 給我明膠海綿和凝血 Superfreak (2010)

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
海綿[かいめん, kaimen] Schwamm [Add to Longdo]

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