12 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 残留
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And doesn't leave any traces at all. [CN] 完全不留任何残留痕迹 Deadlier Than the Male (1967)
Now we have a tremendous amount of residue. [JP] 相当量の残留物があるんで Say My Name (2012)
We can sit back and let the same cycle of war.. continue in the Middle East or we can do something about it. [JP] "中東から撤退するか 残留するか" White House Down (2013)
That poison leaves no trace, as you well know. [CN] 你很清楚 这种毒药不残留 The Crimes of the Black Cat (1972)
If it had, you'd expect to see a part of the sheared-off cotter pin in one of the holes, or scratches or marks or some bending to show where it had pulled out. [CN] 如果真是那样,你会看到开口销残留的部分 在其中的一个销孔里 或者刮痕,或者弯曲 来显示出它是在哪儿被拉出来的 Angel Face (1953)
More precisely the remains of a newspaper for he had torn it to shreds. [CN] 更确切地说 是残留的报纸片儿 因为他把报纸撕碎了 The Resident Patient (1985)
-..as a result of Hurricane Alice. [CN] 由于爱莉斯飓风的袭击 在这次风灾中残留下来的烟叶和甘蔗 Water (1985)
There were no contents in the victim's stomach. [JP] 被害者の胃に 残留物は無く A Beautiful Day (2013)
- Vestiges. [JP] 残留物か Fly (2010)
Powder residue on the neck of the soda bottle shows Vecuronium, scotch and soda and a paralytic agent. [JP] 瓶の飲み口に残留物 ベクロニウムと― スコッチとソーダ 筋弛緩剤 Coquilles (2013)
Azuma, though retired, could still have some influence. [CN] 退休后的东的势力残留在学部内 The Great White Tower (1966)
The M.E.'s report said there was residue in the wound. [JP] 検死官によれば 傷口に 残留物があり A Horse of a Different Color (2011)

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