6 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 検案
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EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
検案[けんあん, ken'an] (n, vs) autopsy [Add to Longdo]
検案[けんあんしょ, ken'ansho] (n) certificate of post-mortem [Add to Longdo]
死体検案[したいけんあんしょ, shitaiken'ansho] (n) post-mortem certificate [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
検案[けんあん, ken'an] (n, vs) autopsy [Add to Longdo]
検案[けんあんしょ, ken'ansho] (n) certificate of post-mortem [Add to Longdo]
死体検案[したいけんあんしょ, shitaiken'ansho] (n) post-mortem certificate [Add to Longdo]

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