13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 查看
หรือค้นหา: -查看-, *查看*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
查看[chá kàn, ㄔㄚˊ ㄎㄢˋ,  ] to look over; to examine; check up; ferret out #3,988 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
~ To see what's happening on the nights I don't sleep ~ [CN] 查看发生了什么 对我夜晚不睡觉 Head Above Water (1996)
We should check it out. It's a few miles away. [CN] 查看,只在数英里外 Species (1995)
Well, I, we, um... [CN] 我们来查看一下 The Preacher's Wife (1996)
We are also asking citizens who may have taped the event... to allow us to examine those tapes. [CN] 也希望拍下事发经过的民众 将录影带由我们查看 Most Wanted (1997)
It's not on the computer here. Let me check one more thing. [CN] 电脑上写得一清二楚 我再查查看 The Net (1995)
She was probably just hallucinating. Don't worry, I'll check it out. [CN] 也许她眼花 别担心,我会去查看 Broken Arrow (1996)
Check where the switch room is. [CN] 快查查看电制房在那里 Dr. Wai in 'The Scripture with No Words' (1996)
I need to inspect the murder site. [CN] 我得查看现场 Primal Fear (1996)
I just have to check. [CN] 我总得检查看 Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight (1995)
Annie, check the computer. I'll check the files. [CN] 安妮,查看电脑 我去查那些档案 The First Wives Club (1996)
We are asking shopkeepers... in the immediate vicinity of the shooting... to examine their surveillance cameras... for sightings of the suspect prior to the shooting. [CN] 我们希望现在附近商店业者 查看自己店内的监视录影带 看能不能找出嫌疑犯 Most Wanted (1997)
Checking payload! [CN] 正在查看核弹舱 Broken Arrow (1996)

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