14 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 曲事
หรือค้นหา: -曲事-, *曲事*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
曲事[くせごと, kusegoto] (n) wickedness; injustice [Add to Longdo]
曲事[くせごと, kusegoto] (n) crookedness; something not right; something out of the ordinary; something unpleasant; something disgusting; unlawfulness; something unhappy; calamity [Add to Longdo]

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He screwed me over. [CN] 他在扭曲事实 他骗了我 Wasted Minute (2014)
My colleagues and I started to ignore accurate reporting and we produced reports that were very inaccurate and illegal. [CN] 我和我的同事忽略了事实 并且做了严重歪曲事实和非法的报道 Rosewater (2014)
You know, twisting the facts to make a better story is irresponsible. [CN] 曲事實編造報導是不負責任的 Saw VI (2009)
You twist things. [CN] 你扭曲事 Sacrifice (2013)
I think you'll say whatever you want reality to be. [CN] 我觉得你会按自己的意愿扭曲事实 \fn微软雅黑I think you'll say whatever you want reality to be. Death of a Client (2013)
You attach an assumption to a piece of evidence, you start to bend the narrative to support it, prejudice yourself. [CN] 你在证据上附加了你的假设 然后歪曲事实来支持你的假设 你自己也就被影响了 The Long Bright Dark (2014)
"The works on the fortress which have begun without my permission are considered to be a crime against the code of the Samurai and thereby deemed illegitimate. [JP] J槍 (便者の寅) 葛尾 広晨域畳請のこど 聯法蘆に あ凵背ガるるの肝 J槍 〈雙置と "曲事に 壺し召さォ苳堡蒙ところ・・・" Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai (2011)
You twist things because you don't have the ability to love. [CN] -你在扭曲事 Ride Along 2 (2016)
Your conclusions totally misrepresent the facts. [CN] 你的结论完全是在歪曲事 Concussion (2015)
You always deform reality to suit your ambitions. [CN] 你总是歪曲事实 以满足你的野心。 Welcome to New York (2014)
Don't rewrite history, Athena. I didn't choose anything. [CN] 别歪曲事实 雅典娜 Episode #1.5 (2014)
As I do her previous farrago of printed untruths and half-baked innuendo. [CN] 我同样否认她之前在报上 那些歪曲事实含沙射影的报道 Home (2013)

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