14 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 政客
หรือค้นหา: -政客-, *政客*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
政客[zhèng kè, ㄓㄥˋ ㄎㄜˋ,  ] politician #22,679 [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
政客[せいかく;せいきゃく, seikaku ; seikyaku] (n) politician (or someone otherwise engaged in politics); statesman [Add to Longdo]

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Royce Crombie was a bundler, a man who solicited money for politicians. [CN] Royce Crombie是筹资人 专为政客筹款 On Tap (2010)
If it weren't for those politicians without any backbone, we would have won that war and I'd be a general by now. [CN] 要不是那些没骨气的政客 我们早就赢了那场战争了,而我现在就是将军了 The Final (2010)
So let's finish the taps, collect the names of all the operatives and politicians on them, get our ducks in row, see what kind of brief we can argue from it. [CN] 收集窃听带上所有政客和雇员的名字 挨个列出来 看看有什么可利用的 On Tap (2010)
And as a good politician, he explored it as much as he could. [CN] 就像所有出色的政客一样 他充分地利用了这个提案 Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (2010)
Politicians, secret services... [CN] 政客 见不得台面者 In Gold We Trust (2010)
- but I still need you to judge him purely as a politician. [CN] 但我仍需要你们把他当作政客 公正地判断 On Tap (2010)
Rocha knew that if it got really bad in the investigation... the politicians would blame him. [CN] 罗卡知道 如果在CPI事情被搞大 政客们会把所有的事都赖在他头上 Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (2010)
A corrupt politician. [CN] 一个腐败的政客 On Tap (2010)
For the politicians, it wouldn't be good if I died... before testifying. [CN] 在我作证之前 那些政客没兴趣知道我是死是活 Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (2010)
There's an element of shadow government behind this. [CN] 背后有一帮政客支持他 Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball (2010)
I sent many politicians to jail. [CN] 我把很多腐败的政客送入了监狱 Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (2010)
A politician's son. [CN] 一个政客的儿子 Gardiens de l'ordre (2010)

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