13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 摸黑
หรือค้นหา: -摸黑-, *摸黑*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
摸黑[mō hēi, ㄇㄛ ㄏㄟ,  ] to grope about in the dark #39,498 [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It was dark. [CN] 摸黑 Little Darlings (1980)
One winter, snow, blizzards, freezing the bollocks off the ponies. [CN] 那天晚上风很大 下雪 我们摸黑在树林里面行走 The Long Good Friday (1980)
It's all because my brother Seiji worked hard here, - before he married Tamiko and left home. It's all thanks to him. [CN] 在我们哥两分家以前 他起早摸黑地干, 才搞成这样 A Distant Cry from Spring (1980)
I chose the dark and night not out of malice, as you think... but out of modesty, for the shame of my years. [CN] 我选择晚上摸黑陪并无你想的歹意 而是出于我自惭年老的羞怯 Body of Love (1972)
You don't have to work all day... at a place like this. I'll take care of you. [CN] 一个人孤单单地起早摸黑地干 又脏又累, 这何苦呢? A Distant Cry from Spring (1980)
How scared is this boy gonna be out there in the dark? [CN] 他很害怕,要出去摸黑吗? Pitch Black (2000)
How am I going to do my pee-pee in the dark? [CN] 我要摸黑上厕所 Serpico (1973)
I don't think there is such a thing as the truth. [CN] 既然这件事的发生是合逻辑的 我们为何要摸黑它呢 Scenes from a Marriage (1973)
If we go after him in the dark, somebody's gonna get hurt. [CN] 如果我们摸黑追赶他 有人可能受伤 埃伦可能 If we go after him in the dark, somebody's gonna get hurt. This Gun for Hire (1942)
We go, blow out the lights, take our chances. [CN] 熄灯摸黑拚了 Executive Decision (1996)
If you withdraw your support now, you're endorsing this vicious newspaper smear. [CN] 如果你撤销资助,你就是摸黑了新闻报纸 Elmer Gantry (1960)
You get the light, I the dark. [CN] 你见光陪我摸黑 Body of Love (1972)

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