13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 提防
หรือค้นหา: -提防-, *提防*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
提防[dī fáng, ㄉㄧ ㄈㄤˊ,  ] to guard against; vigilant; watch you don't (slip) #19,157 [Add to Longdo]

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You've never had to watch yourself 24 hours a day... against somebody trying to cut you down... against the stooges sent out to trip you up... against people you can't trust. [CN] 你不必每天二十四小时都要留神.. 提防有人想要干掉你... 提防那些被派来给你下套的人... The Damned Don't Cry (1950)
Aren't you afraid with all that on you? [CN] 你不提防着点 就这样轻易告诉别人你的身家藏在你身上? Death in the Garden (1956)
And he did, not caring about risking his life for the distraught maiden. [CN] 替他提防着伊莎贝尔 我答应了 看在他冒着 这么大的生命危险 Boda real (2012)
Watch out for booby traps. [CN] 提防陷阱 Sabotage (2014)
Be on guard. [CN] 谨防提防 Casablanca (1942)
Shiyu, be careful of their tricks [CN] 世玉,你可要提防武举人的奸诈 Disciples of the 36th Chamber (1985)
- Goodnight Heather, watch out for the bears. [CN] 晚安 海瑟 提防 Evils of the Night (1985)
I can't figure out what he's up to. [CN] 我们要小心提防 The Hidden Fortress (1958)
No. But the... [CN] 你两个留此警戒,提防日本鬼子 Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
You do this... [CN] 还有比塞拉曼加更需要提防的人 Expenses (2017)
Danny, all your precautions were in vain. [CN] 丹尼 你百般提防 结果还是枉费心机 Rebecca (1940)
He saw I was worried about him. He'll think I flipped. [CN] 他发现我提防他了 他会以为我反水了 Sticky Content (2014)

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