42 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ
หรือค้นหา: -挨-, *挨*

Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, āi, ] close by, near, next to, towards, against; to lean on; to wait
Radical: , Decomposition:   扌 [shǒu, ㄕㄡˇ]  矣 [, ㄧˇ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] hand
Rank: 2012

[] Meaning: approach; draw near; push open
On-yomi: アイ, ai
Kun-yomi: ひら.く, hira.ku
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Rank: 2258

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
[āi, ㄞ, ] lean to; in order; in sequence #6,420 [Add to Longdo]
[ái, ㄞˊ, ] next to; suffer (hunger); endure; drag out; delay; stall; play for time #6,420 [Add to Longdo]
[ái dǎ, ㄞˊ ㄉㄚˇ,  ] take a beating; get a thrashing; come under attack #20,129 [Add to Longdo]
[ái mà, ㄞˊ ㄇㄚˋ,   /  ] to receive a scolding #29,380 [Add to Longdo]
[āi gè, ㄞ ㄍㄜˋ,   /  ] one by one; in turn #29,873 [Add to Longdo]
[āi jiā āi hù, ㄞ ㄐㄧㄚ ㄞ ㄏㄨˋ,     /    ] to go from house to house; house-to-house (search) #34,275 [Add to Longdo]
饿[ái è, ㄞˊ ㄜˋ,  饿 /  ] to go hungry; to endure starvation; famished #36,841 [Add to Longdo]
[ái pī, ㄞˊ ㄆㄧ,  ] to be criticized; to suffer blame #56,405 [Add to Longdo]
[ái zòu, ㄞˊ ㄗㄡˋ,  ] to be beaten; to take a drubbing; buffeted; knocked about #58,529 [Add to Longdo]
[āi jìn, ㄞ ㄐㄧㄣˋ,  ] get close to; be near to #76,243 [Add to Longdo]

Longdo Unapproved JP-TH
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
[あいさつ, aisatsu] (n) (กรีท'ทิง) n. การทักทาย, การคำนับ, การรับรอง, การต้อนรับ, คำทักทาย, คำอวยพร, คำต้อนรับ, S. salutation, bow

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
[あいさつ, aisatsu] (n, vs, adj-no) (1) greeting; greetings; salutation; salute; (2) speech (congratulatory or appreciative); address; (3) reply; response; (4) (sl) revenge; retaliation; (exp) (5) (See 御拶) a fine thing to say (used as part of a sarcastic response to a rude remark); (6) (orig. meaning) dialoging (with another Zen practitioner to ascertain their level of enlightenment); (P) #6,028 [Add to Longdo]
拶は抜きで[あいさつはぬきで, aisatsuhanukide] (exp) without compliments (greetings) [Add to Longdo]
拶まわり;あいさつ回り;拶回り[あいさつまわり, aisatsumawari] (n) New Year courtesy calls [Add to Longdo]
拶を交わす[あいさつをかわす, aisatsuwokawasu] (exp, v5s) (See 交わす・1) to exchange greetings [Add to Longdo]
拶状[あいさつじょう, aisatsujou] (n) greeting card [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
I haven't met him properly yet.あの人にはまだ拶をしていない。
Chris followed the two and cheerfully greeted Kate.クリスは2人の後をついていって、ケイトに陽気に拶をしました。
Please allow me to say a few words on this occasion.この場をお借りして一言拶を申し上げます。
Jane's farewell speech made us very sad.ジェーンのお別れの拶を聞いて、私達はとても悲しくなりました。
After a hearty dinner, Willie thanked the host.すんばらしい夕食をご馳走してもらい、ウィリーは感謝の拶をした。
The teachers greeted the little boys.その教師達はその小さな男の子達に拶した。
The actress greeted her fans from the stage.その女優は舞台からファンに拶した。
That's a cheerful remark.それはご拶ですね。
As I happened to be in the neighborhood, I went and paid him compliments.ちょうど近所まで行ったので拶してきた。
I said hello to Debby but she totally ignored me.デビーに拶したが彼女は完全に私の事を無視した。
Greetings are the basis of good manners.拶は礼儀作法の根本である。
I was at a loss for an answer.拶に困った。

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Thus I salute the fortress safe from terror and dread [JP] そして わしは城に拶する 不安と恐怖からの安心を願って Das Rheingold (1980)
Compliments of the gentleman at the bar. [JP] バーの男性からの拶です Someone's Watching Me! (1978)
That's real class. A doorman who says good evening. [JP] すごい ドアマンが拶するなんて Someone's Watching Me! (1978)
I put my head in your hands to enjoy the shelter of your home. [JP] お前の拶は客には相応しくなかった Siegfried (1980)
I just want to go and say hello to him. [JP] ちょっと拶したい だけなんだ Buffalo '66 (1998)
I was about to call up to your farm to welcome you into our little community. [JP] 歓迎のご拶に 伺おうと思ってたんですが Straw Dogs (1971)
Through the green waters she greets the sleeper [JP] 日の光は緑の波をかき分けて 幸せに眠る黄金に拶している Das Rheingold (1980)
Yep, guess no one's hungry here after all. [CN] 是的,你猜没有人饿这里毕竟。 The Interview (2014)
Your country is starving, Colonel and it's full of corrupt people. [CN] 你的国家在忍饥饿我的上校 到处都是贪婪腐化 Bang Bang (2014)
Good God, Christopher, the world has seen worse. [CN] 别矫情 克里斯托弗 一巴掌而已 Pharmacy (2014)
Cohle. [CN] Cohle 没枪子吗? The Secret Fate of All Life (2014)
And you have 16 million people who are starving? [CN] 和你有16亿人 谁在饿? The Interview (2014)

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