20 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 成績
หรือค้นหา: -成績-, *成績*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
成绩[chéng jì, ㄔㄥˊ ㄐㄧˋ,   /  ] achievement; performance records; grades #969 [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
成績[せいせき, seiseki] (n) results; record; grades; (P) #654 [Add to Longdo]
成績[せいせきしょ, seisekisho] (n) transcript of results (esp. student grades); report of results [Add to Longdo]
成績証明書[せいせきしょうめいしょ, seisekishoumeisho] (n) transcript of results; report of results [Add to Longdo]
成績[せいせきひょう, seisekihyou] (n) report card; result sheet [Add to Longdo]
成績不振[せいせきふしん, seisekifushin] (n) poor (academic) performance; poor (business) results (showing) [Add to Longdo]

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Let's see yours, sibling. [JP] 兄ちゃんの成績表は? Can't Buy Me Love (1987)
Weren't you rather instead afraid of what those around you would think when they were informed that your results were contrary to their expectations of you? [CN] 你辜負了周圍人的期待 反而沒有成績 面對這一現實 你是不是有了些許恐懼感 Episode #1.1 (2012)
Later, I went to primary school and with this influence my essays were outstanding sometimes the best [CN] 後來,到了讀小學 因為有這種薰陶 不是一般人能有的 所以我的作文的成績就比較好 One Tree Three Lives (2012)
You know, her grades are abysmal. College is right around the corner. [CN] 她學習成績糟透了 現在轉眼就要考大學了 Dirty Rotten Scandals (2012)
And I want to show my captain all your work, but I know he's gonna insist that you tell us where you were today. [CN] 我要告訴我們隊長你的成績 但是我知道他一定會堅持, 你要告訴我們,你今天在哪兒 Manhattan Vigil (2012)
And had good grades like a model student. [JP] 成績もよくて 模範的な生徒 Be with You (2004)
That when the entire visualization of investigation data was realized that you increasingly couldn't bring in results. [CN] 如果審問的全面可視化成為現實 你就會越來越拿不出成績 Episode #1.1 (2012)
He wants me to change his grade. [CN] 他要我改成績 There's Always a Downside (2012)
Yes. Let's recap. - What do we know so far? [JP] 今のところの 成績をあげてみよう。 RRRrrrr!!! (2004)
Let's start with grades. [JP] 成績についてだが Speak (2004)
- Smart kid? [JP] 成績優秀 Publicity (2012)
See, unfortunately, it's all tied up with alumni support. [CN] 不幸的是 比賽成績跟校友的贊助捆綁了 There's Always a Downside (2012)

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
成績[せいせき, seiseki] Leistung, Resultat, Ergebnis [Add to Longdo]
成績[せいせきひょう, seisekihyou] Zensurenliste, Zeugnis [Add to Longdo]

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