14 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 成员
หรือค้นหา: -成员-, *成员*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
成员[chéng yuán, ㄔㄥˊ ㄩㄢˊ,   /  ] member #1,489 [Add to Longdo]
成员[chéng yuán guó, ㄔㄥˊ ㄩㄢˊ ㄍㄨㄛˊ,    /   ] member country #7,349 [Add to Longdo]

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Bernard, send a minute to each Cabinet member. [CN] 伯纳 给每位内阁成员送一份摘要 Bernard, send a minute to each Cabinet member. The Death List (1981)
Mr Lanford, opposition member for Birmingham, asked the Administrative Affairs Minister, James Hacker, about reducing administrators in the Health Service. [CN] 兰弗先生 伯明翰的反对党成员 Mr Lanford, opposition member for Birmingham, 询问行政事务大臣吉姆・哈克 asked the AdministrativeAffairs Minister, James Hacker, 公共医疗行政减员一事 about reducing administratorsin the Health Service. The Compassionate Society (1981)
As a loyal Cabinet member,  [CN] 作为忠诚的内阁成员 As a loyal Cabinet member, The Bed of Nails (1982)
Again, with my party hat on, there could be arguments on both sides. [CN] 而作为党派成员 该去也不该去 With my party hat on, there could be arguments on both sides. The Devil You Know (1981)
And now this directive from Brussels saying all EEC members must conform to some niggling European word-processing standards; [CN] 布鲁塞尔突然发出指令 叫欧共体成员 And now this directive from Brussels saying all EEC members 全体遵循那些麻烦的欧洲标准 must conform to some niggling European word -processing standards The Devil You Know (1981)
Lord Zataki, the newest member of the Council of Regents, and now Lord lshido's ally. [CN] 上川领主... 最新的摄政委员会的成员 也就是石田领主的同盟 Shogun (1980)
What members of the household are involved and what are their ages? [CN] 你们家一共有哪些成员? 他们几岁? Poltergeist (1982)
Or was she a member of the Carlotta conspiracy and had set me up? [CN] 或者是她的卡洛塔成员 阴谋,并陷害我? Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982)
"These regulations make provision for prescribing allowances payable to members of local authorities. [CN] "以上条例旨在规范" "These regulations make provision "地方政府成员津贴的依法支付问题" for allowances to members of local authorities. The Middle-Class Rip-Off (1982)
They are prepared to become great members of the Momochi family. [CN] 他们准备成为\家庭的百道Ngreat成员 Ninja bugeicho momochi sandayu (1980)
- So you're part of the Mining Guild? - No, not actually. [CN] - 那你是矿业工会的成员了? Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
With your Vietcong! [CN] 还有你的越共成员 Diva (1981)

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