13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 恐怖主义者
หรือค้นหา: -恐怖主义者-, *恐怖主义者*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
恐怖主义者[kǒng bù zhǔ yì zhě, ㄎㄨㄥˇ ㄅㄨˋ ㄓㄨˇ ㄧˋ ㄓㄜˇ,      /     ] terrorist #213,732 [Add to Longdo]

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Hans Backovic was a terrorist. [CN] 汉斯. 巴斯科维奇是个恐怖主义者 John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns (2005)
Well, it wasn't like it was some premeditated act of terrorism. - You know what I mean? [CN] 而你的行为不像是 恐怖主义者,我会处理的 Flirting with Disaster (1996)
Yes, that's the same program where I called the president of the United States a terrorist. [CN] 我称美国总统为恐怖主义者 Infamy (2010)
No, I'm not a terrorist. [CN] 也不是恐怖主义者 The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin (2014)
Plane blows up midair, mission accomplished for the terrorists, hundreds of casualties, but nobody dies. [CN] 飞机在半空中爆炸 恐怖主义者的任务完成 上百人的事故 但是没人会死 A Scandal in Belgravia (2012)
And this was on the same program you accused the president of the United States of being a terrorist. [CN] 在同一期节目上 你指控 美国总统是恐怖主义者 Infamy (2010)
Are you a terrorist? [CN] 你是一个恐怖主义者吗? Are you a terrorist? Goodbye World (2013)
You remember the day you showed me the pictures of two terrorists? [CN] 还记得吗 那两个恐怖主义者的照片 Identification of a Woman (1982)
They're terrorists, with very consistent lives. [CN] 那两个人是恐怖主义者 Identification of a Woman (1982)
What they know that? [CN] 他们什么都不知道关于这些自杀式恐怖主义者 The Hive (2008)
Hero for some, terrorist for others, he is hidden in the mountains ruling the Cherkistani revolt with an iron fist. [CN] "一部分人眼中的英雄 另一部分人眼中的恐怖主义者 如今他可能正藏在巴尔干山脉之中 Supercondriaque (2014)
Avi Fleischer said that pedophiles are terrorists... and that they stick their penises into your... tushy. [CN] Avi Fleischer说恋童癖者都是恐怖主义者... ... Avi Fleischer said that pedophiles are terrorists... Life During Wartime (2009)

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