20 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 怠る
หรือค้นหา: -怠る-, *怠る*

Saikam JP-TH-EN Dictionary
怠る[おこたる, okotaru] TH: เพิกเฉย  EN: to neglect
怠る[おこたる, okotaru] TH: ขี้เกียจ  EN: to be off guard

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
怠る[おこたる, okotaru] (v5r, vt) (See 怠ける) to be negligent in doing something; to shirk; to be off one's guard; (P) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
Some students neglect their studies in favor of sports.スポーツにかまけて学業を怠る学生もいる。
The lazy frequently neglects his duties.怠け者のその男は、しばしば職務を怠る
The lazy man frequently neglects his duties.怠け者のその男はしばしば自分の職務を怠る
Don't fail in your daily duties.毎日の務めを怠るな。

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Use extreme caution. [JP] 注意を怠る Time's Up (2012)
I've requested tank support. We're gonna sit tight till it comes, but keep your eyes open. [JP] このまま待つ 注意を怠る Full Metal Jacket (1987)
So this will be a tactical entry. [JP] 注意を怠る The Cure (2008)
For instance, if you're gonna put someone in the backseat of your car, you have to search them properly. [JP] 後部座席に人を乗せるなら 身体検査は怠るなよ Pilot (2011)
You point a gun at someone you'd better be ready to pull the trigger. [JP] 銃を人に向ける時は 引き金の準備を怠る Terminator Salvation (2009)
Keep clear of the entrance. Djoko will cover. [JP] 警戒を怠るな ジョコが援護する Dead Mine (2012)
The tetanus is in the soil, people cut themselves on rose bushes, garden forks, that sort of thing, and if left un... treated... [JP] 土には 破傷風菌がいて バラや庭いじりの道具で 怪我をして 治療を怠る The Great Game (2010)
You men will continue watching on your own immediate fronts. That is all. [JP] 諸君は引き続き周辺の 警戒を怠るな、以上だ Forbidden Planet (1956)
We'll go around. [JP] 注意を怠る Power Hungry (2008)
I never want to be out of touch like that again. [JP] 連絡を怠る Riddick (2013)
Lord Maul, be mindful. [JP] モール卿 用心を怠る Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999)
Check your residual pressure. [JP] 残圧チェック怠る Umizaru (2004)

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
怠る[おこたる, okotaru] vernachlaessigen, nachlaessig_sein, versaeumen [Add to Longdo]

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