14 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 後裔
หรือค้นหา: -後裔-, *後裔*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
后裔[hòu yì, ㄏㄡˋ ㄧˋ,   /  ] descendant #21,012 [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
後裔[こうえい, kouei] (n) descendant [Add to Longdo]

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What are you, half Jew or something? [CN] 你是什麼東東? 猶太佬後裔 Gran Torino (2008)
He is Anung un Rama, son of the Fallen One. [CN] 他是末日之獸,墮落之神的後裔 Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)
You, Durbeyfield, are directly descended from the knightly house of the d'Urbervilles. [CN] 我發現你, 德北菲爾德其實是... 騎士世家德伯氏的直系後裔 Tess (1979)
I'm a founder. I come from a long line of founders. [CN] 我是成員 我們家世代都是創始人後裔 Our Town (2012)
Kol's sire line must stretch to the moon by now. [CN] Kol初擁的後裔不計其數 A View to a Kill (2013)
"The European troops have become fiends." [CN] 我遇到两个印度家族的後裔 就发现他们立场相左 Freedom (2007)
Let's just say that I'm descended from katherine-- [CN] 我們不妨說 我是Katherine的後裔... Bloodlines (2010)
An impure unbeliever in the tent of a man who can trace his very blood back to Adam. [CN] 一個在男人帳篷裡的異教徒 亞當的後裔 Hidalgo (2004)
I am the descendant of Ra, the sun god. [JP] 私は太陽神の後裔 Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (2014)
In Shinto belief, Emperor Jimmu descended from the sun goddess. [CN] 神道教相信 神武天皇是太陽神的後裔 No Pain No Gain (2012)
And in the middle of them, Alexander the Great in his parade uniform with his ram's horn helmet with its great white plumes. [CN] 生活在法的高贵理想,美德之中 您是伟大的丹周尔王侯的後裔 Ages of Gold (2007)
And in Varanasi, you can find living continuities with ancient India, especially the core of Hindu religion, the caste system, into which all Hindus are born, marry, and die. [CN] 所以一些人留了下来,他们就是最初的印度人 地球上所有非裔以外的人类都是 早期到达印度的移民者的後裔 The Power of Ideas (2007)

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