13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 弹射座椅
หรือค้นหา: -弹射座椅-, *弹射座椅*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
弹射座椅[tán shè zuò yǐ, ㄊㄢˊ ㄕㄜˋ ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄧˇ,     /    ] ejection seat [Add to Longdo]

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- Brace yourself. - No! [CN] -你用弹射座椅 Death Race 2 (2010)
Ejector seat? [CN] 弹射座椅 Goldfinger (1964)
He'd seen obviously, an ejector plane seat and that had impressed him. [CN] 他显然被 战斗机上的弹射座椅启发了。 50 Years of Bond Cars (2012)
Is he you want in a romper beside you for 35 million mil home? [CN] 你想在离地球35, 000, 000英里远的地方 让这号人坐在你旁边的弹射座椅里么? RocketMan (1997)
No, I went too far. [CN] 虽说你当时差点害死他,但是... 这就是飞机上安弹射座椅的原因啊 Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)
But the Lieutenant did eject, obviously... and somehow survived... in his ejection seat long enough... for the Cylons to find him. [CN] 但很明显 中尉的座椅弹射出来了 并且还幸免遇难 在他的弹射座椅中待了足够长的时间 Hero (2006)
It's the beacon from the ejector seat, sir. [CN] 弹射座椅的发出的求救信号,长官 Behind Enemy Lines (2001)
Sadly, there was no ejector seat. [CN] 美中不足的是 弹射座椅没了 50 Years of Bond Cars (2012)
That wheelchair needs an ejection seat. [CN] 使用轮椅的需要 弹射座椅 Psycho Beach Party (2000)
Put me in a jump seat! [CN] 弹射座椅吗 我坐那也行 Charlie Countryman (2013)
No ejection on dradis. [CN] Dradis没有弹射座椅信号 Hero (2006)
Ejection seat is safe. Arm handle. Copy. [CN] 弹射座椅安全销 收到,都拔除了 Behind Enemy Lines (2001)

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