19 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 市議
หรือค้นหา: -市議-, *市議*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
市议员[shì yì yuán, ㄕˋ ㄧˋ ㄩㄢˊ,    /   ] town councilor; city councilor; alderman #47,694 [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
市議[しぎ, shigi] (n) (abbr) (See 市議会議員) city councillor; city councilor; city assemblyman; (P) #13,983 [Add to Longdo]
市議[しぎかい, shigikai] (n) city council; (P) #4,525 [Add to Longdo]
市議会議員[しぎかいぎいん, shigikaigiin] (n) city council member [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
The municipal council all but ignored the gravity of the pollution.市議会はその汚染の重大さをほとんど無視した。
The city council meeting is a great place to sound off.市議会は遠慮なく意見をいえる大事な場所だ。
The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues.市議会は具体的な問題にもっと焦点をあてるべきだ。

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Well, how did she get in there to meet with the city council without us knowing? [JP] 私たちに知られずに 彼女はどうやって... そこに立ち入って 市議会議員と会えたのよ? Vick's Chip (2008)
Councilman Anslinger hired me to whack this real estate fat cat Stephen Cook. [CN] 市議員安斯林格雇我 Councilman Anslinger hired me Black and White (2010)
RIGHT LOSES ON CITY COUNCIL CENTRE WINS MAJORITY [CN] 市議會選舉中右派落選 中間派贏得多數」 Hands Over the City (1963)
But this isn't a car commercial. [JP] 私は市議会のレニーです ビッグ・ジム・レニーです Pilot (2013)
But as a matter of fact, when police go after the guy who's just stolen $85 million, they treat him like he was a member of the city council - as he may or may not be - and it's not exciting television. [CN] 問題是如果警察追蹤那個偷走8500萬美金的家伙, 卻像一個市議員一樣對待他, 而或許他本來就是, 那就不是一個緊張的電視節目了。 Bowling for Columbine (2002)
I've got a city council meeting in... [JP] 市議会の... Chapter 1 (2013)
City Council and the district attorney no longer tolerate any malfeasance by NYPD officers. [JP] 市議会と地方検事は もはや NY市警の警官による いかなる不正も許さない Firewall (2012)
As president of the town council,  [CN] 作為市議會的主席 Life Is a Miracle (2004)
...and created the position of deputy secretary at the city council. [JP] 設立し 市議会副書記を 勤めたりしている The Watch (2012)
They have to have the council's approval to move forward, so... [CN] 他們必須得到市議會的批准才能有下一步行動 所以... ... Step Up Revolution (2012)
How can I miss my chance to meet the city councilman as he accepts your gigantic charitable donation? [JP] どうすれば都市議員と 親睦を深められるのやら お前という巨大な慈善寄付が ついてる相手に? Tangled Up in Blue (2013)
Councilmen needing to know that their names aren't gonna surface on the client list. [JP] 市議会議員の名を 知っておいた方がいいわ 依頼人リストには載ってないわよ Booked Solid (2013)

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