7 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 嵌合
หรือค้นหา: -嵌合-, *嵌合*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
嵌合[かんごう;はめあい, kangou ; hameai] (n, vs) fitting together (e.g. nuts and bolts); fit [Add to Longdo]

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It produces a state called mixed chimerism, which is basically an immune system that blends elements of both the recipient and the donor. [CN] 这种过程就叫做 It produces a state 混合嵌合 called mixed chimerism, 基本上是一种免疫系统的新生 which is basically an immune system Hope (2011)
If I could make my thinking on gravity fit with Mercury's bad behaviour then it would take me a long way... towards... [CN] 若能将我的重力理论嵌合进水星的不规则运作... ... 那么将会有一段很长的路... 带我到... Einstein and Eddington (2008)
Over time we'll wean him off of it as he reaches a chimeric state, but hopefully his body won't reject the kidney. [CN] 等到完全嵌合后我们就会再给他戒除的 Over time we'll wean him off of it as he reaches a chimeric state, 但就是希望他的身体不会抗拒新肾脏 but hopefully his body won't reject the kidney. Hope (2011)
But the eggs merged and a chimera was formed. [CN] 但是鸡蛋和合并 形成了嵌合体。 Bruno & Earlene Go to Vegas (2013)
It shows novel characteristics and appears to be chimeric in origin. [CN] 这种病毒显示了新奇的特性,跟原生细胞嵌合在一起 Contagion (2011)
Are you familiar with the term "genetic mosaicism"? [CN] 那你有没有听说过"遗传嵌合"? The Unborn (2009)

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