13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 少年犯罪
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EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
少年犯罪[しょうねんはんざい, shounenhanzai] (n) juvenile crime; juvenile delinquency [Add to Longdo]

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Got a juvenile record on your victim. Took me a while to get it cleared. [JP] "少年犯罪記録を調べましたが 数が多くて時間を食いました" My Fair Wesen (2014)
He saw my juvie record and knew I had the perfect background for the next time someone tried to infiltrate the academy. [JP] 彼は私の青少年犯罪記録を見て 完全な経歴があると知ってた 次回の為に誰かが アカデミーに潜入させようとした Point of Origin (2014)
I believe this music... is 100% responsible for the delinquency of our youth today. [CN] 我相信这些音乐 要为我们今天的青少年犯罪负绝对责任 Hounddog (2007)
And the mayor's youth-crime prevention program is back on. [CN] 市长的预防青少年犯罪的项目开始了 Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulous (2005)
You want to be gang-banging when you're 25? [CN] You want to be gang -banging when you're 25? 你想成为青少年犯罪当你25吗? Grand Canyon (1991)
The juvenile delinquents of yesterday... all of them more clever, more ruthless than the old-time mobs. [CN] 昨天的少年犯罪 他们所有人 都比过去的罪犯更聪明更暴力 The Street with No Name (1948)
She's got her own juvie record to prove it! [CN] 她也有少年犯罪前科 Transformers (2007)
Since assuming the chairmanship of the Senate Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency,  [CN] 自从接任了参议院下属委员会主席之职 调查青少年犯罪以来 The Notorious Bettie Page (2005)
There'd be no juvenile delinquency with me. [CN] 没有少年犯罪与我联系上。 A Real Young Girl (1976)
Unemployment, discrimination... gangsterism, juvenile delinquency... but under our new twenty-year plan... we will catch up with you. [CN] 失业,歧视 强盗,青少年犯罪 不过我们在新的二十年计划下 One, Two, Three (1961)
The shooting that happened today wasn't your typical gangbanger, public service killing you're used to here in Miami. [CN] 今天发生的袭击事件 可不是你一贯擅长处理的 迈阿密地区青少年犯罪 或者妨害公共安全之类的 Cowboys and Indians (2009)
Ok, juvenile records are going to be sealed, so you gotta give me a minute. [CN] 少年犯罪纪录快过完了 稍等 Scared to Death (2007)

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