13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 导入
หรือค้นหา: -导入-, *导入*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
导入[dǎo rù, ㄉㄠˇ ㄖㄨˋ,   /  ] to introduce into; to channel; to lead; to guide into #15,426 [Add to Longdo]

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Then, UC San Francisco would splice that gene into bacteria... to produce the hormone in significant amounts. [CN] 然后加州大学旧金山分校 愿意把这种基因导入细菌 制造出大量的激素 Something Ventured (2011)
The steep Rocky Mountains funnel the rainwater into the rivers and levels quickly rise. [CN] 陡峭的落基山就如大漏斗似的 将雨水导入河流 于是水位快速上升 The Great Salmon Run (2009)
Systems critical. Lead in Christmas. [CN] 系统故障,导入圣诞节 Arthur Christmas (2011)
Oh, space balls! [CN] 电脑 将量子能导入舰桥 Monsters vs. Aliens (2009)
Patch it through. [CN] 导入信息。 Hunter Prey (2010)
Is the data registered? [CN] 数据导入完成了吗 Platinum Data (2013)
I'll put things back right. [CN] 我把会把一切导入正轨 R100 (2013)
Quantonium has been successfully diverted to the bridge. [CN] 量子能已经成功导入舰桥 Monsters vs. Aliens (2009)
Now, let's hope we see a star escape from a hole in the cliff. [CN] 现在让我们祈祷 岩壁里会有星星引导入 Tales of the Night (2011)
He invented that adapter thing that converts vinyl albums into MP3s. [CN] 他发明了把黑胶唱片导入MP3的转换器 It's Kind of a Funny Story (2010)
Their leaves, which are very broad, channel the rain water into a central reservoir. [CN] 它们的叶片非常宽大 能把雨水导入一个中心水池 Life in the Wet Zone (2012)
Here at Elysium we believe that open sexual boundaries lead to a deeper honesty. [CN] 在极乐世界里 我们相信 开放性行为可以导入深度的忠诚 Wanderlust (2012)

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