6 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 宇宙观
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宇宙观[yǔ zhòu guān, ㄩˇ ㄓㄡˋ ㄍㄨㄢ,    /   ] world view #68,277 [Add to Longdo]

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It depicts the universe of Taoism. [CN] 也是道家的宇宙观 Double Vision (2002)
And get those wonderful stories about your destruction and recreation of the world and then they bring in a vision macrocosm, imaginandu us that all the world will end i. [CN] 这些关于世界生灭的精彩故事 带给我们一个宇宙观, 启示我们所有的世界都终将灭亡. 2012: Science or Superstition (2009)
When the sulfur atom joins the hemoglobin molecules, red blood turns green. [CN] 接近30岁时 爱因斯坦思索新的宇宙观 The Elegant Universe (2003)
According to his stomach contents, he likes a glass of red wine with his pasta. [CN] 他们的宇宙观非常奇怪 科幻小说也显得逊色 The Elegant Universe (2003)
And you didn't hold her. No. [CN] 牛顿革新了我们的宇宙观 The Elegant Universe (2003)

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