13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 孟买
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CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
孟买[Mèng mǎi, ㄇㄥˋ ㄇㄞˇ,   /  ] Mumbai (formerly Bombay) #28,275 [Add to Longdo]

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And Bombay is in India? [CN] 孟买在印度吗? The Party (1968)
Good evening. KT Kumar, Bombay, apologizes for being late. [CN] 晚上好 孟买库玛爵士 抱歉来晚了 Curse of the Demon (1957)
I must say, when I first saw you as a bumbling lawyer here in Bombay I never thought I'd greet you as a national hero. [CN] 我承认,我刚认识你时 你是一个在孟买的新进律师 没想到有朝一日 会来欢迎你这个国家英雄 Gandhi (1982)
Is it simply Delhi and Bombay? [CN] 只有新德里和孟买 Gandhi (1982)
Suddenly I found myself responsible, as the supreme commander, for an enormous area of the globe, with a distance of 6, 000 miles across it - as far as from London to Bombay, with 128 million starving and rather rebellious people [CN] 突然我发现自己作为(盟军东南亚战区)最高长官, 要为地球上一片巨大的区域负责, (该区域)覆盖6, 000英里的距离... 远至从伦敦到孟买, Reckoning: 1945... and After (1974)
Pope Paul VI has announced his intention of going to Bombay. [CN] 教皇保罗六世已经宣布了他前往孟买的意愿 The Koumiko Mystery (1965)
Our trains met in Bombay. [CN] 我们的火车在孟买相遇 Gandhi (1982)
He's going to sell his own paper tomorrow in Bombay, sir. [CN] 他办的报纸 明天将在孟买开始发行 Gandhi (1982)
[ Bombay ] Let's go, Ducks ! [CN] [ 孟买 ] 让我们去,鸭子! The Mighty Ducks (1992)
Little Gordon Bombay had the chance -- [CN] 小悟孟买 有机会 - The Mighty Ducks (1992)
I could get articles printed in most of the papers in Delhi and Bombay. [CN] 我能叫新德里和孟买的 多数报纸刊载此事 Gandhi (1982)
Gordon Bombay does it again ! [CN] 戈登孟买再次做它! The Mighty Ducks (1992)

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