13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 妹夫
หรือค้นหา: -妹夫-, *妹夫*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
妹夫[mèi fu, ㄇㄟˋ ㄈㄨ˙,  ] younger sister's husband #27,961 [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
If we're going to go down this road and clearly we are for the sake of my brother-in-law... [CN] 如果我们真要这么做 我们是为我妹夫着想 Abiquiu (2010)
He was married to my sister. [CN] 他以前是我妹夫 A Price Above Rubies (2009)
That DEA brother-in-law? Screwed. [CN] 那个毒管局的妹夫 Caballo sin Nombre (2010)
Your ex-brother-in-law is dead. [CN] 你前妹夫死了 A Price Above Rubies (2009)
Hey, tell your douche bag brother-in-law to head towards the light. [CN] 告诉你那混球妹夫 以后最好当心点 I See You (2010)
I must welcome my brother-in-law [CN] 我要好好招待我多年没见的好妹夫 True Legend (2010)
You don't go near it. My brother-in-law, he is surveilling Jesse's house. [CN] 不 不 听着 我的妹夫 他在Jesse的家盯梢 明白吗? Sunset (2010)
Your brother-in-law. [CN] 妹夫 I See You (2010)
And I'm sure we're driving my sister and her husband up a wall. [CN] 况且 呃... 我们快把我妹妹和妹夫逼疯了 No Más (2010)
Brother-in-law [CN] 妹夫 Silver Medalist (2009)
know what? That meth-head stood up to your brother-in-law. [CN] 知道么 就这个吸毒的 她曾跟你妹夫过招 Half Measures (2010)
He stole the memory stick, killed his prospective brother-in-law. [CN] 杀死了他未来的妹夫 The Great Game (2010)

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