21 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 大手
หรือค้นหา: -大手-, *大手*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
大手[おおて(P);おおで, oote (P); oode] (n, adj-no) (1) front castle gate; (2) both arms open; outstretched arms; (3) major companies; (P) #4,653 [Add to Longdo]
大手を振る[おおでをふる;おおてをふる(ik), oodewofuru ; ootewofuru (ik)] (exp, v5r) (1) to swing one's arms greatly while walking; (2) to be brazen [Add to Longdo]
大手[おおてすじ, ootesuji] (n) large-scale operators; big traders [Add to Longdo]
大手銀行[おおてぎんこう, ooteginkou] (n) major bank; big bank [Add to Longdo]
大手[おおてこう, ootekou] (n) major banks; leading banks [Add to Longdo]
大手[だいしゅじゅつ, daishujutsu] (n) major surgery; major operation [Add to Longdo]
大手電気メーカー[おおてでんきメーカー, ootedenki me-ka-] (n) (See 電気メーカー) major electrical manufacturer; major company manufacturing electric devices [Add to Longdo]
大手[おおてがら, ootegara] (n) glorious achievement; distinguished service [Add to Longdo]
大手[おおでまり;オオデマリ, oodemari ; oodemari] (n) (uk) Japanese snowball; Viburnum plicatum [Add to Longdo]

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And all these big banks and Fannie Mae and.... [JP] 大手銀行だって 破産する時代だ Peekaboo (2009)
Yeah, I'm sure Mr. Freud would say that she had a large hand in shaping my [CN] 是的,我敢说弗洛伊德先生会那么说 她用一双大手塑造了 The Last of Robin Hood (2013)
That was one in a million! [JP] 100万分の1の大手柄だ! Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
(CAMERA CLICKS) JORDAN: A total fucking hatchet job. [CN] 真他妈是一个大手笔 (华尔街之狼) The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
north corner. [JP] 二階の北の角にサーキットシティ (米大手家電量販店)があるわ Eagle Eye (2008)
- Come up, big hand. [CN] - 给他的大手 Playing It Cool (2014)
Ma'am, you've just came out of surgery after major trauma. [CN] 小姐 妳才刚动完大手 Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014)
Last few months he started living it up. [CN] 他开始大手大脚 挥金如土 Musician Heal Thyself (2014)
He makes giant foam fingers for football games. [CN] 他为足球比赛做泡沫大手指的 Cooties (2014)
A VIP! He wants to buy a lot. [CN] 大人物,他想大手笔买入 Temporary Family (2014)
The 'fro, the butt, the hands. [CN] 爆炸头、翘臀、大手 Fading Gigolo (2013)
It looks like all the big restaurants are being bought up by a large company. [JP] どうも大手レストランが皆、とある巨大企業に買収されたようです The Wing or The Thigh? (1976)

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