14 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 増強
หรือค้นหา: -増強-, *増強*

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増強[ぞうきょう, zoukyou] (vt) เพิ่มและทำให้แข็งแรงขึ้น

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
増強[ぞうきょう, zoukyou] (n, vs) augment; reinforce; increase; (P) #10,141 [Add to Longdo]

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Marcus released another wave of guards. They're searching everyone. [JP] マーカスが警備を増強 皆 調べられてる Red Sky (2010)
What's most alarming is the rate at which their military power is expanding. [JP] 最大の警戒事項は... 彼らの軍事力増強率だ Ender's Game (2013)
I don't mean to burst your bubble, dude, but those penile enlargement pills do not work. [JP] 残念だけど チンコ増強剤なら効き目ないよ The Hawking Excitation (2012)
Then what about assigning engineering crews to try and boost our warp yield? [JP] ブースターの増強が必要だな Star Trek (2009)
When Noisy fought in Brazil, they must have put it in. Brazilians are crazy about that talk-to-your-robot crap. [JP] ブラジルにいた時に 増強されたようだ Real Steel (2011)
Graviton build-up could be a precursor to mass-expansion. [JP] 引力の増強は 大質量展開の前兆だ After Earth (2013)
A vast military build-up of armoured divisions and missiles accompanied by a fourfold increase in the number of rocket bombs, directed at the most densely populated areas of Airstrip One... [JP] 装甲師団 ミサイル 遊動要塞の大部隊が 4倍に増強された 無線操縦ロケット弾と共に エアストリップワンの 人口密集地帯に向かってます 1984 (1984)
Good. Perhaps he can reinforce us. [JP] 分かった、増強できるかもね Rising Malevolence (2008)
Augmentation buffers. Yeah. [JP] えぇ 増強バッファです Letters of Transit (2012)
One minute I'm publishing this book on how long-term potentiation initiates the creation of a slow-moving protein synthesis, and the next, there's an agent trying to make me the next Dr. Oz. [JP] 1分で この本を出版する 長期増強はどうか 動きの遅い 生成を開始する Legacies (2012)
That we transfer men with special qualifications to augment the staff here in Chicago. [JP] 特殊技能を持つ 人員を送ってください シカゴの捜査官を 増強します Public Enemies (2009)
Call for reinforcement. [JP] 人員増強 A Gettysburg Address (2012)

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