26 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ
หรือค้นหา: -啓-, *啓*

Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, qǐ, ㄑㄧˇ] to open; to explain; to begin
Radical: , Decomposition:     户 [, ㄏㄨˋ]  攵 [, ㄆㄨ]  口 [kǒu, ㄎㄡˇ]
Etymology: [ideographic] To knock 攵 at the door 户

[] Meaning: disclose; open; say
On-yomi: ケイ, kei
Kun-yomi: ひら.く, さと.す, hira.ku, sato.su
Radical: , Decomposition:   𢼄  
Variants: , , , Rank: 1403
[] Meaning: open; begin; commence; explain
On-yomi: ケイ, kei
Kun-yomi: ひら.く, hira.ku
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: ,
[] Meaning: to open; to begin; to explain; to inform; letter
On-yomi: ケイ, kei
Kun-yomi: ひら.く, さと.す, hira.ku, sato.su

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
[qǐ, ㄑㄧˇ, ] Japanese variant of 啟|启 #93,295 [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
[けいもう, keimou] (n, vs) enlightenment; instruction; (P) #13,788 [Add to Longdo]
[けいはつ, keihatsu] (n, vs) enlightenment; development; edification; public awareness; illumination; education; inspiration; (P) #14,946 [Add to Longdo]
[けいじ, keiji] (n, vs) revelation (i.e. divine revelation); (P) #19,916 [Add to Longdo]
[ひらく, hiraku] (v5k) (arch) to enlighten; to edify [Add to Longdo]
示宗教[けいじしゅうきょう, keijishuukyou] (n) revealed religion [Add to Longdo]
[けいじょう, keijou] (n, vs) (hum) (often used in letters, e.g. as an opening phrase) (See 一筆上) speaking respectfully [Add to Longdo]
蒙運動[けいもううんどう, keimouundou] (n) enlightenment movement; the Enlightenment [Add to Longdo]
蒙活動[けいもうかつどう, keimoukatsudou] (n) information campaign; awareness program [Add to Longdo]
蒙思想[けいもうしそう, keimoushisou] (n) the philosophy of the European Enlightenment [Add to Longdo]
蒙思潮[けいもうしちょう, keimoushichou] (n) enlightenment movement; the Enlightenment [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
Sometimes the most inspired ideas seem to just come from out of the blue.ずば抜けた着想というのは、往々にして天のごとくヒラメクようだ。
Therefore, a center for the development of human resources should be built in Japan.というわけで、人材を発するためのセンターが日本に作られるべきであろう。
Picture books will cultivate the minds of children.絵本は子供たちの頭を発する。
Keiko is proud of her family.子さんは家族がご自慢です。
Keisuke has always studied in this mansion. That style known as 'home schooling', right?介さんは、このお屋敷で、ずっとお勉強しているんです。いわゆるホームスクーリングという形ですね。
I learned about Keiko's problem from gossip.子さんの問題はうわさで聞き知った。
"Welcome!" "Yo." "Oh, what, it's only Keita?"「いらっしゃ〜い」「よぉ」「なんだ、太か・・・」

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
[けい, kei] OEFFNEN, SAGEN [Add to Longdo]
[けいはつ, keihatsu] Aufklaerung, Belehrung [Add to Longdo]
[けいじ, keiji] Offenbarung [Add to Longdo]
[けいもう, keimou] Aufklaerung, Erziehung [Add to Longdo]

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