13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 可成
หรือค้นหา: -可成-, *可成*

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可成[かなり, kanari] (adj, adv) ค่อนข้าง

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I hear her father's company went bankrupt a while back. [CN] 艾娃和她男朋友来看过我 她穿着一件连衣裙 那摸样可成大姑娘了 Scenes from a Marriage (1973)
if he doesn't, he won't know where to hide for shame, for she will lash him with a whip in front of everybody. [CN] 要是没追上, 那可成奇耻大辱了, 因为这姑娘可以在众人面前, 用鞭子随便抽他. Jamilya (1969)
What are you doing? I'm leaving you, my dear. [CN] 那你的亚士利之梦就可成真了 Gone with the Wind (1939)
So dreams can come true. [CN] -梦想可成 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)
That this would make an excellent proving ground. [CN] 這里可成為很好的試驗基地 The Nun's Story (1959)
You didn't get to be the best sitting on a park bench. [CN] 坐在公园长椅上可成不了顶尖的 A Game of Pool (1961)
And this is not achieved in a day. [CN] 而且不是一蹴可成 The Nun's Story (1959)
Sister William says Gabrielle will be a truly great nurse. [CN] 威廉修女說嘉比雅將可成為一個好護士 The Nun's Story (1959)
That hombre's going to overstep the mark one of these days. [CN] 可成为了 最近的风云人物 Giant (1956)
When I was six, Mr. Saito told me to join a group of blind girls, so I'd become a good gozé [CN] 在那里可以认识很多的朋友 拜师学艺便可成为杰出歌女 拜师学艺便可成为杰出歌女 Ballad of Orin (1977)
You could have been another Billy Conn. [CN] 可成为下一位拳王 On the Waterfront (1954)
Yes, they can, but you have to be practical, too. [CN] 梦想真的可成真,但也要实际 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)

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