12 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 变频
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变频[biàn pín, ㄅㄧㄢˋ ㄆㄧㄣˊ,   /  ] frequency conversion #21,397 [Add to Longdo]

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This was more than a computer story, so I left the world of the antivirus detectives and sought out journalist, David Sanger, who specialized in the strange intersection of cyber, nuclear weapons, and espionage. [CN] 当我们查看这变频器的资料时... 我们立刻发现它们实际上是美国核管理委员会监管出口到伊朗的 Zero Days (2016)
When we looked up those frequency converters, we immediately found out that they were actually export controlled by the nuclear regulatory commission. [CN] 随后,我们上网搜寻这些源码里的神奇数字 我们看到被连接到工业控制系统上,被作为攻击目标的... 是被称为"变频器"的设备 Zero Days (2016)
The news is too depressing. [CN] 这个消息, 只是改变频道。 The Horseman (2008)
Did you change the frequency? [CN] 你改变频率? Apollo 18 (2011)
Can't even change the channels. [CN] 甚至不能改变频道。 Creepshow 3 (2006)
Quick changeover, girls. [CN] - Cath 抱歉来晚了 - 快速变频 姑娘们 Australia (2008)
- Inverter? [CN] 变频器 Inverter? Bridge of Spies (2015)
So you're just gonna drive around with a big, old, red bumper on your little periwinkle car? [CN] 所以你只需要去变频器周围 一个大,老,红色保险杠 你的小长春花的车吗? Date and Switch (2014)
I charged the inverter. What to recharge now? [CN] 我把变频器插上了. 现在有什么要充电的吗? Ra.One (2011)
Quick, change the channel! [CN] 快! 改变频道! Street Fighter (1994)
I created a technology fund to finance your converter, but they got tired of your madness! [CN] 我成立了一个技术基金 来资助你的变频器 但他们厌倦了你的疯狂 The Man from the Future (2011)

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