3 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 収奪
หรือค้นหา: -収奪-, *収奪*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
収奪[しゅうだつ, shuudatsu] (n, vs) plundering; exploitation [Add to Longdo]

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The Ironborn will reave and pillage as it was in the old days all along the northern coast. We'll spread our dominion across the green lands, securing the Neck and everything above. Every stronghold will yield to us one by one. [JP] 鉄の民は伝統的方法で北岸一帯で収奪を行う "ネック"とその上部全体を押さえることで 我々は領土を緑地にも広げる いずれの砦も我々に降伏するだろう What Is Dead May Never Die (2012)
This is your city Stannis means to sack. [JP] スタニスが収奪しようとする街はお前たちのものだ Blackwater (2012)

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