6 Results for 単体
หรือค้นหา: -単体-, *単体*

Longdo Unapproved JP-TH
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
単体分割[たんたいぶんわり, tantaibunwari] (n) single division
単体[たんたい, tantai] (n) เดี่ยว ๆ, สารเดี่ยว (ทางเคมี)

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
単体[たんたい, tantai] (n) (1) simple substance (e.g. chemical); (2) something standing alone; separate item #7,051 [Add to Longdo]
単体テスト[たんたいテスト, tantai tesuto] (n, vs) unit test; testing an item in isolation [Add to Longdo]
単体試験[たんたいしけん, tantaishiken] (n) { comp } unit test [Add to Longdo]

単体試験[たんたいしけん, tantaishiken] unit test [Add to Longdo]

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