13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 刀布
หรือค้นหา: -刀布-, *刀布*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
刀布[とうふ, toufu] (n) bronze currency of ancient China (some pieces shaped like spades and others like opened straight razors) [Add to Longdo]

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Someone should. Rock, paper, scissors? [CN] 总有人要做 石头剪刀布? Kids (2005)
- Rock, paper, scissors. [CN] 那就石头剪刀布 About Last Night (2014)
- Ro-sham-bo? [CN] - 石头剪刀布? Flypaper (2011)
Their tribe. We're going to rock, paper, We're going to rock, paper, scissor to decide who puts up [CN] 我们将用石头剪刀布 决出先出人的部落 Suck It Up and Survive (2014)
Or if you're familiar with the rules of Rock, Paper, Scissors... [CN] 或者 如果你对石头剪刀布 Or if you're familiar with the rules 的规则很了解的话... of Rock, Paper, Scissors... The Intimacy Acceleration (2015)
Rock, paper, scissors! The winner picks first [CN] 石头剪刀布,谁赢了谁先挑 Unbeatable (2013)
- Paper - stone - scissor [CN] 石头剪刀布 Bunny Drop (2011)
Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock was created by Internet pioneer Sam Kass as an improvement on the classic game Rock-Paper-Scissors. [CN] "石头剪刀布蜥蜴史波克" Rock -Paper -Scissors The Rothman Disintegration (2012)
How about you decide this with Rock-Paper-Scissors Lizard-Spock? [CN] 不如你们这样 How about you decide this 用"石头剪刀布蜥蜴史波克"来决定 with Rock -Paper The Rothman Disintegration (2012)
Granted, my great-great Grandfather lost it during a rather foolish game of rock-paper-scissors. [CN] 诚然 我曾曾祖父输掉了 Granted, my great -great Grandfather lost it 在一场相当愚蠢的石头剪刀布中 during a rather foolish game of rock Barbie in Princess Power (2015)
Rock, paper, scissors, Spock! [CN] 石头剪刀布 The Murder Case of Hana & Alice (2015)
Stone, scissor, cloth [CN] 石頭剪刀布 Ip Man (2008)

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