16 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 共感
หรือค้นหา: -共感-, *共感*

Longdo Approved JP-TH
共感[きょうかん, kyoukan] (n) ความรู้สึกร่วม

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
共感[きょうかん, kyoukan] (n, vs, adj-no) sympathy; empathy; response; (P) #14,051 [Add to Longdo]
共感[きょうかんかく, kyoukankaku] (n) synesthesia (synaesthesia) [Add to Longdo]
共感呪術[きょうかんじゅじゅつ, kyoukanjujutsu] (n) (See 類感呪術・るいかんじゅじゅつ) sympathetic magic; homeopathic magic; imitative magic [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Yeah well, no sympathy here, pal. [JP] ここで共感を 感じないな Pandorum (2009)
Maybe we could share one. [JP] 余計に 共感できるだろ The Dark Knight (2008)
I would've thought you'd be more sympathetic to their cause. [JP] 彼らの運動にもっと共感していると思っていたが? Kir'Shara (2004)
We don't expect you to share our faith merely our fears. [JP] 我々の信条に共感 してくれるとは思ってないよ 我々は恐れているだけだ Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Well, you "sympathize. " I'll keep investigating. [JP] 共感は任せる 私は捜査を Dog Tags (2008)
I don't know what you've been through, but if you're anything like me, this whole... [JP] 君がどんな目に遭って来た知らないが 共感できる事が少しでもあれば A Bright New Day (2009)
Speaking of weird, you gotta feel for that guy. [JP] あいつに共感しなきゃ A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)
I certainly never imagined I would be exposed to that kind of prejudice and close-mindedness. [JP] まさか こんなにも多くの... 偏見と また 共感に出会うとは... Hereafter (2010)
We are simply pursuing a deeper connection with our patients. [CN] 我们追求的是 与患者更深层次的共感 Paprika (2006)
I can... sympathize with the commander's impatience. [JP] 共感を覚えただけ Dog Tags (2008)
Based on your neurological readings, your situational empathy... is well within the normal range for our species. [JP] 貴女の神経系統を測定した結果 状況依存の共感度は... 我々の種族の平常時の値に 完全に収まっています Pound of Flesh (2010)
See what they've seen. [JP] 犠牲者への共感 The Cure (2008)

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