15 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 共学
หรือค้นหา: -共学-, *共学*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
共学[きょうがく, kyougaku] (n, vs) coeducation; (P) #3,379 [Add to Longdo]
共学[きょうがくせい, kyougakusei] (n) coeducational plan [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Tell us why accompany a bunch of black niggers to white school? [JP] 共学には反対かと思ってた なのに 黒んぼを 学校に連れてった The Intruder (1962)
We believe the new rules are a mistake... That made the government. [JP] 共学は 政府の最大の誤りです The Intruder (1962)
Law says we got to have integration. [JP] 法律で共学が決まった The Intruder (1962)
Directly authorized the integration of blacks in schools. [JP] キャクストン高校の 共学化を命じたのです The Intruder (1962)
That is, you're against? [JP] つまり 共学には反対だと? The Intruder (1962)
Would you like to support me while I take courses to teach in public school? [CN] 你支持我到公共学校去教书吗? Love Story (1970)
(Singsong) Co-ed bathrooms. [JP] (抑揚のない) 共学のバスルーム。 22 Jump Street (2014)
Except this is right... [JP] 分かるのは 共学が正しいってこと The Intruder (1962)
The integration. [JP] 共学のことさ The Intruder (1962)
These are the "trouble kids" of the public school system in Appleton, Wisconsin, that are eating so well. [CN] 这些是在公共学校「惹麻烦的孩子」 在威斯康星州,他们吃的很好 Super Size Me (2004)
And why do you think so, but I can not lie. [JP] 共学がいいとは 思わない The Intruder (1962)
And we want to know if you are in favor... Or against integration. [JP] 共学化について お立場を伺いたい The Intruder (1962)

JDDICT JP-DE Dictionary
共学[きょうがく, kyougaku] Koedukation [Add to Longdo]

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