14 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 公斤
หรือค้นหา: -公斤-, *公斤*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
公斤[gōng jīn, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄐㄧㄣ,  ] kilogram #2,420 [Add to Longdo]
公斤[bàn gōng jīn, ㄅㄢˋ ㄍㄨㄥ ㄐㄧㄣ,   ] half kilo [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
What we have here is one kilogramme of pentolite explosive. [CN] 我们用了一公斤彭托利特炸药 On Thin Ice (2011)
And 102 here, so that's 197, yeah. [CN] - 197公斤 - 对 情况好吗? On Thin Ice (2011)
30 kilos of uncut Colombian cocaine. [CN] 30公斤没切开的哥伦比亚可卡因 Brick (2011)
They sell it for 2000 Rials per kilo. [CN] 公斤面粉售价为2000里亚尔 A Separation (2011)
They return with a kilogram of fish and squid in their bellies, feed their chicks and then go off again to repeat the process. [CN] 它们在肚子里带回一公斤鱼和乌贼 喂完雏鸟后再次启程,周而复始 Autumn (2011)
They've been feeding at sea all summer and can weigh 40 kilos. [CN] 它们整个夏天都在海里进食 重量可达40公斤 Autumn (2011)
Two hundred and fifty kilograms. [CN] 在两日的行动中,二百五十公斤 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012)
Each chick requires nearly 30 kilograms of food before it's fully grown. [CN] 每只雏鸟在完全长大前都要吃 三十公斤的食物 Summer (2011)
Use 2 kg Each time. [CN] 每次用2公斤 The Billionaire (2011)
Called platelets, they are there to stop the bleeding. [CN] 被三百多公斤的力量击中受伤 是经常发生的事情 Hostile World (2011)
With their penguin guides leading the way, snowmobiles are brought in to haul 500 kilograms of equipment through the icy maze. [CN] 在他们企鹅向导的带领下 摩托雪橇拖着500公斤的设备 穿过冰的迷宫 Autumn (2011)
Because, as well as protecting you from the more obvious physical dangers... it must shield you from potentially lethal solar radiation. [CN] 这一拳的力量足有三百多公斤 这个人希望医生能移植他人的手 来代替自己受伤的双手 Hostile World (2011)

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