13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 丰厚
หรือค้นหา: -丰厚-, *丰厚*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
丰厚[fēng hòu, ㄈㄥ ㄏㄡˋ,   /  ] generous; ample #8,112 [Add to Longdo]

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As each of you will be rewarded. [CN] 在座每一位都将获得丰厚的报酬 The Hierophant (2013)
You are here because you are well paid... [CN] 你来只是因为有丰厚的酬金 With Fire (2013)
Darling, it's good money. [CN] 亲爱的,报酬很丰厚 12 Years a Slave (2013)
It's quite a salary hike. [CN] 回报丰厚 Adore (2013)
Big-paying work. [CN] 报酬丰厚的工作 Dom Hemingway (2013)
However, you will be handsomely rewarded for the loss you endure, as you finally return to Rome where you belong,  [CN] 但是 等到最终你回到罗马 你真正归属的地方的时候 你的付出会换来丰厚的回报 The Hierophant (2013)
No. And yes, but mostly no. "The FBI isn't just hunting psychopaths, they're headhunting them [CN] but mostly no. 提供丰厚报酬和福利 { \3cH000000 }offering competitive pay and benefits Amuse-Bouche (2013)
So, the pay wouldn't be very good. [CN] 所以待遇不是很丰厚 Life of a King (2013)
With welcome gift... [CN] 还有丰厚的见面礼 Vive la France (2013)
Like I said, the-the pay won't be good and the kids, well they are a handful. [CN] 如同我说的 待遇不是很丰厚 还有孩子们 他们很皮的 Life of a King (2013)
Ward Allen walked away from a fine inheritance. [CN] 沃德·艾伦拒绝了一笔丰厚的遗产 Savannah (2013)
Can you even imagine, in your I- get-a-fat-paycheck-every-month and-sorry-officer- I- ran-a-stop-sign-world? [CN] 你能觉察到自己仰仗着每月丰厚薪水,满嘴跑官腔吗 希望听到我说: 喔,对不起,长官,我错了? Finsterworld (2013)

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