13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 下雨
หรือค้นหา: -下雨-, *下雨*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
下雨[xià yǔ, ㄒㄧㄚˋ ㄩˇ,  ] rainy #4,791 [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Yep, you're right. [CN] 唔, 我得赶在下雨前走了 Jealous Robert (2001)
No more rain if you are happy. [CN] 开心就不会下雨 Chuet sai hiu bra (2001)
When I'm not in a good mood, it rains. [CN] 我心情不好的时候 天就会下雨 Chuet sai hiu bra (2001)
So it rained, huh? [CN] 那么,下雨了? Passing Summer (2001)
A very deep hug gives comfort despite of scary thunderstorms outside. [CN] 紧紧的抱着 外面刮风下雨都不会害怕 Chuet sai hiu bra (2001)
I want it to rain. [CN] 我想让要它下雨 Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (2001)
I think we're just gonna have to pray for rain. Geoffrey quit basketball. [CN] 想要把路上都清理干净的话 我想咱们只能祈祷下雨 It's Supposed to Be Fun (2001)
It rained. [CN] 果然下雨 Spy Game (2001)
Herr Doctor, I understandyou have difficulties with the Americans? [CN] 大概是因为下雨吧. 我明白了, 美国佬在找你的麻烦 Taking Sides (2001)
Don't you know it's raining? [CN] 知不知道正在下雨 Chuet sai hiu bra (2001)
Looks like it's gonna rain [CN] 看来就快要下雨 Wanee & Junah (2001)
How are these things related? [CN] 那当然是便烂烂的 但又跟下雨有什么关系呢 My Life as McDull (2001)

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