13 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ 一时半会儿
หรือค้นหา: -一时半会儿-, *一时半会儿*

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
一时半会儿[yī shí bàn huì r, ㄧ ㄕˊ ㄅㄢˋ ㄏㄨㄟˋ ㄦ˙,      /     ] a short time; a little while #59,673 [Add to Longdo]

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No, I'm afraid yours is a long way off. [CN] 你的可能一时半会儿来不了 The Preacher's Wife (1996)
- Winter may be coming, but I'm afraid the same cannot be said for my brother. [CN] - 也许凛冬是将至了 但我哥哥一时半会儿是不会来的 Lord Snow (2011)
It seems a long stay for anaemia. [CN] 贫血一时半会儿好不了 My Girl and I (2005)
It may take you a while to realize, but this is what you were meant to do, Neal. [CN] 也许你一时半会儿明白不过来 但你注定要过这样的生活, Neal The Bannen Way (2010)
Yeah, I don't think, uh, he's gonna come back anytime soon. [CN] 是啊,我看他一时半会儿不回来了 Jumper (2008)
One word in the wrong quarter, and this whole thing might blow sky-high. [CN] 一时半会儿说不清楚 One word in the wrong quarter, 这件事非同小可 and this whole thing might blow sky -high. Roman Holiday (1953)
Ah, I can not straighten any clue now. [CN] 不过一时半会儿也想不出联系 Detective Conan: The Raven Chaser (2009)
Xiao Xiao won't get out anytime soon. [CN] 肖肖一时半会儿是出不来啦 Curse of Lola (2005)
This could take a while. [CN] 一时半会儿且完不了呢 This could take a while. Shadow Dancer (2012)
Don't you write your old man off just yet. [CN] 一时半会儿不会让你老爸翘掉的 2012 (2009)
- It's a long story. [CN] - 一时半会儿说不清楚 The Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003)
Fox River is a big place. [CN] 狐狸河地方比较大 或许一时半会儿他们发现不了 { \3cH202020 }Fox River is a big place. Tonight (2006)

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