5 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ ジュネーブ条約
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EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
ジュネーブ条約[ジュネーブじょうやく, june-bu jouyaku] (n) Geneva Convention [Add to Longdo]

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how many ways would this violate the Geneva Convention? [JP] どのみち、ジュネーブ条約を 違反することになる Eagle Eye (2008)
Which means they have the authority to break the Geneva Convention, to kill women, children, whatever was necessary to accomplish his mission. [JP] 資格は十分だが ジュネーブ条約に違反 女性も子供も殺せる Abduction (2011)
According to the Geneva Conventions, I will be released and sent home. [JP] ジュネーブ条約で 開放されるべきだ The Monuments Men (2014)
- Well in that case according to the Geneva Convention we are entitled to... [JP] - その場合ジュネーブ条約によると・・ Into the White (2012)

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