5 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ グリグリ
หรือค้นหา: -グリグリ-, *グリグリ*

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
グリグリ[guriguri] (adv, n, vs) (1) (on-mim) grinding against; rubbing with turning movements (e.g. shoulders); (2) hard lump under the skin (e.g. an adipous tumor or lymph node tumor); (3) big and round eyes; googly eyes; (4) rattling sound [Add to Longdo]
グリグリ目玉[グリグリめだま, guriguri medama] (n) big and round eyes; googly eyes [Add to Longdo]

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Shuko, you don't have to bring up the past. [JP] (麗子)修子さん あまり 昔のことをグリグリやっても... Bakêshon (2015)
Do the "Cabbage patch". [JP] グリグリまわして! Bear on a Couch (2012)
Just in the Nick of time. [JP] "グリグリ"で間に合ったな To Protect and Serve Man (2012)

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