81 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *gypsy*
/จิ้ ผึ สี่/     /JH IH1 P S IY0/     /dʒˈɪpsiː/
หรือค้นหา: gypsy, -gypsy-

NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
gypsy’s kiss(sl) ฉี่, See also: ถ่ายปัสสาวะ

Hope Dictionary
gypsy(จิบ'ซี) n. ยีปซี, See also: gipsydom, gipsyhood, gipsyism n. gipsyish, gipsyesque adj.

Nontri Dictionary
Gypsy(adj) เกี่ยวกับชาวยิปซี
Gypsy(n) ชาวยิปซี, ภาษายิปซี

คลังศัพท์ไทย (สวทช.)
Magic, Gypsyไสยศาสตร์ยิปซี [TU Subject Heading]

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Open Subtitles
**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
So, Gypsy, find some interesting stuff? Na, Gypsy, was Interessantes gefunden? To Live and Let Diorama (2005)
- Gypsy. - Gypsy. Welcome to the Dollhouse (2005)
Go get a mop and bucket, Gypsy made a mess in there. Hol Lappen und Eimer. Gypsy hat rumgesaut. They Call Me Jeeg (2015)
Because if Gypsy finds you alone, you're screwed. Wenn Gypsy dich erwischt, bist du geliefert. They Call Me Jeeg (2015)
Whoa, Gypsy! Whoa, Gypsy! The Cheese Stands Alone (2015)
Gypsy, whoa! Gypsy! The Cheese Stands Alone (2015)
Gypsy, slow down! Gypsy, langsamer! The Cheese Stands Alone (2015)
Gypsy, stop! Gypsy, stopp! The Cheese Stands Alone (2015)
Hey, Gypsy-Man. Hey, Gypsy-Man. Chiko (2008)
Stefan and Gypsy and Terrance and Uno. Stefan und Gypsy und Terrance und Denknach. Sunset (2016)
He drives a gypsy cab, and Eddie asked to borrow it two nights ago. Er fährt ein Gypsy-Taxi und Eddie wollte es sich vor zwei Tagen ausleihen. And Justice for All (2016)
So, when Alistair got the gypsy cab back the next morning, it was riddled with bullet holes. Als Alistair das Gypsy-Taxi am nächsten Morgen zurückbekam, war es von Einschusslöchern durchsiebt. And Justice for All (2016)
And what about his gypsy cab? Und was ist mit seinem Gypsy-Taxi? And Justice for All (2016)
So, I've gone through the GPS on Alistair's gypsy cab. Ich bin das GPS von Alistairs Gypsy-Taxi durchgegangen. And Justice for All (2016)
Ooh! Hi, Gypsy! Hallo, Gypsy! Winter (2016)
Gypsy's over there. She can watch me. Gypsy kann aufpassen. Spring (2016)
Gypsy, whip up a quick poutine. Gypsy, mach schnell Poutine. Spring (2016)
- Yes, Gypsy? -Ja, Gypsy? Spring (2016)
I rode Gypsy. Ich bin auf Gypsy geritten. I'll Hold Your Hand (2016)
- Gypsy! - Gypsy! Abra Kadabra (2017)
But Gypsy did say I could do some pretty incredible things Aber Gypsy sagte, dass ich ziemlich unglaubliche Dinge tun könnte - mit meinen Kräften. Untouchable (2017)
- No, but I love every minute of it. Er konnte dich nicht dazu bringen, einen Riss zu öffnen, also hat er stattdessen Gypsy benutzt. Attack on Gorilla City (2017)
- It's important to stay hydrated on a parallel Earth. - Das wird er lieben. - Ja. Was ist mit Gypsy? Attack on Gorilla City (2017)
[ laughs ] Guy is no dummy. Gypsy, bitte. Attack on Gorilla City (2017)
Could be Gypsy. - Könnte Gypsy sein. Duet (2017)
You must be Gypsy. Du musst Gypsy sein. Abra Kadabra (2017)
Gypsy. Gypsy. Abra Kadabra (2017)
Well, whatever it is, we can definitely help you figure it out, 'cause I don't know about you guys, but ever since last time you were here, I've been looking forward to some Gypsy vibe action. Was auch immer es ist, wir können dir definitiv helfen, das herauszufinden, denn ich weiß nicht, wie es euch geht, aber seit du das letzte Mal hier warst, habe ich mich auf etwas Gypsy-Vibe-Action gefreut. Abra Kadabra (2017)
But, guys, what about Gypsy? - Aber, Jungs, was ist mit Gypsy? Abra Kadabra (2017)
Yeah, that's the nanotechnology that Gypsy was talking about. Ja, das ist die Nanotechnologie, von der Gypsy sprach. Abra Kadabra (2017)
Gypsy, darling? Gypsy, Liebling? Abra Kadabra (2017)
Give me to Gypsy, and Iris dies. Überlass mich Gypsy, und Iris stirbt. Abra Kadabra (2017)
Guys, we can't let Gypsy take him before we find out who Savitar is. Leute, wir können nicht zulassen, dass Gypsy ihn mitnimmt, bevor wir herausfinden, wer Savitar ist. Abra Kadabra (2017)
You don't, you're going with Gypsy. Tust du das nicht, gehst du mit Gypsy. Abra Kadabra (2017)
Now is not the time, Gypsy. Jetzt ist nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt, Gypsy. Abra Kadabra (2017)
Hey, Gypsy. Hey, Gypsy. Abra Kadabra (2017)
I'm sorry it didn't work out with you and Gypsy. Es tut mir leid, dass es mit dir und Gypsy nicht geklappt hat. Abra Kadabra (2017)
Now I know how Gypsy Rose Lee feels. Das ist ermutigend. Jetzt weiß ich, wie sich Gypsy Rose Lee fühlt. Room Service (1938)
- Cisco... - Cisco... - Gypsy. Abra Kadabra (2017)
He's a filthy gypsy, Father. เขามันยิบซีสกปรกแน่ะ ท่านพ่อ Wuthering Heights (1992)
I think he must be Earnshaw's gypsy. ลูกว่าเขาคือ เด็กยิบซีที่เอิร์นชอว์รับเลี้ยง Wuthering Heights (1992)
Get that gypsy out of here! เอาตัวยิบซีนั้นออกไปเดี๋ยวนี้ Wuthering Heights (1992)
Young devil of a gypsy gets worse and worse. เจ้าเด็กยิบซีนั่น เลวขึ้นเรื่อยๆเลยนะ Wuthering Heights (1992)
We nearly put one over on that old gypsy that time. เราเกือบใส่หนึ่งมากกว่า ว่ายิปซีเก่าเวลานั้น Pinocchio (1940)
Another one for the Gypsy boy. อีกเรื่องหนึ่งสำหรับเด็กยิปซี Idemo dalje (1982)
Gypsy! ยิปซี! Idemo dalje (1982)
Gypsy! ยิปซี! Idemo dalje (1982)
Gypsy! ยิปซี! Idemo dalje (1982)
Ah, for the gypsy. ah สำหรับยิปซี The Birdcage (1996)
Keep reading my on-line journal for more days... in the life of a teenage gypsy. ติดตามบันทึกออนไลน์ของฉันต่อไป The Perfect Man (2005)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
gypsyHeavily romanticized portraits of gypsy vagabonds.

Volubilis Dictionary (TH-EN-FR)
ยิปซี[yipsī] (n) EN: gypsy

CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
 /JH IH1 P S IY0/
/จิ้ ผึ สี่/

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
 (n) /jh i1 p s ii/ /จิ้ ผึ สี่/ /dʒˈɪpsiː/

WordNet (3.0)
Gypsy(n) a member of a people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and who traditionally live by seasonal work and fortunetelling; they are believed to have originated in northern India but now are living on all continents (but mostly in Europe, North Africa, and North America), Syn. Gipsy, Bohemian, Romany, Roma, Romani, Rommany
flamenco(n) a style of dancing characteristic of the Andalusian Gypsies; vigorous and rhythmic with clapping and stamping of feet, Syn. gypsy dancing
gipsywort(n) hairy Eurasian herb with two-lipped white flowers, Syn. gypsywort, Lycopus europaeus
itinerant(n) a laborer who moves from place to place as demanded by employment, Syn. gipsy, gypsy
Lee(n) United States striptease artist who became famous on Broadway in the 1930s (1914-1970), Syn. Gypsy Rose Lee, Rose Louise Hovick
Romany(n) the Indic language of the Gypsies, Syn. Gypsy

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)
Gipsy moth

{ or }. A tussock moth (Lymantria dispar or Porthetria dispar or Ocneria dispar) native of the Old World, but accidentally introduced into eastern Massachusetts about 1869, where its caterpillars have done great damage to fruit, shade, and forest trees of many kinds. The male gypsy moth is yellowish brown, the female white, and larger than the male. In both sexes the wings are marked by dark lines and a dark lunule. The caterpillars, when full-grown, have a grayish mottled appearance, with blue tubercles on the anterior and red tubercles on the posterior part of the body, all giving rise to long yellow and black hairs. They usually pupate in July and the moth appears in August. The eggs are laid on tree trunks, rocks, etc., and hatch in the spring. By 1980 the range of habitat had advanced as far south as New Jersey, and by 1995 significant populations were found as far west as the Mississippi valley. Initial population surges along the advancing front of the inhabited area cause great damage due to defoliation of trees by the caterpillars, but over time predators, disease and other natural controlling factors tend to reduce the populations to levels not so injurious to local foliage. Much money and effort has been expended trying to control, slow, or limit the spread of gypsy moths in the United States. [ PJC ]

Variants: Gypsy moth

n.; pl. Gypsies [ OE. Gypcyan, F. égyptien Egyptian, gypsy, L. Aegyptius. See Egyptian. ] [ Also spelled gipsy and gypsey. ] 1. One of a vagabond race, whose tribes, coming originally from India, entered Europe in the 14th or 15th century, and are now scattered over Turkey, Russia, Hungary, Spain, England, etc., living by theft, fortune telling, horsejockeying, tinkering, etc. Cf. Bohemian, Romany. [ 1913 Webster ]

Like a right gypsy, hath, at fast and loose,
Beguiled me to the very heart of loss. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. The language used by the gypsies. [ 1913 Webster ]

3. A dark-complexioned person. Shak. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. A cunning or crafty person. [ Colloq. ] Prior. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Pertaining to, or suitable for, gypsies. [ 1913 Webster ]

Gypsy hat, a woman's or child's broad-brimmed hat, usually of straw or felt. --
Gypsy winch, a small winch, which may be operated by a crank, or by a ratchet and pawl through a lever working up and down.
[ 1913 Webster ]


v. i. To play the gypsy; to picnic in the woods. Mostly, Gyp"sy*ing, vb. n. [1913 Webster]


n. 1. The arts and practices or habits of gypsies; deception; cheating; flattery. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. The state of a gypsy. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. A common hairy European perennial (Veronica officinalis) with pale blue or lilac flowers in axillary racemes.
Syn. -- common speedwell, Veronica officinalis. [ WordNet 1.5 ]


n. (Bot.) A labiate plant (the Lycopus Europæus). Gypsies are said to stain their skin with its juice. [ 1913 Webster ]

CC-CEDICT CN-EN Dictionary
吉普塞人[jí pǔ sāi rén, ㄐㄧˊ ㄆㄨˇ ㄙㄞ ㄖㄣˊ,    ] Gypsy (European minority); Romany; Tsigane [Add to Longdo]
吉普赛人[jí pǔ sài rén, ㄐㄧˊ ㄆㄨˇ ㄙㄞˋ ㄖㄣˊ,     /    ] gypsy [Add to Longdo]

DING DE-EN Dictionary
Zigeuner { m } | Zigeuner { pl }gipsy [ Br. ]; gypsy | gypsies [Add to Longdo]
Zigeunerin { f }gipsy woman; gypsy woman [Add to Longdo]
zigeunerndgypsying [Add to Longdo]
zigeunerhaft { adj }gypsy [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
ジプシー[jipushi-] (n) (sens) (See ロマ) gypsy; gipsy; (P) [Add to Longdo]
ジプシールック[jipushi-rukku] (n) gypsy look [Add to Longdo]
ジプシー音楽[ジプシーおんがく, jipushi-ongaku] (n) gypsy music [Add to Longdo]

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